Why is it so interesting to be connected with open government activists from around the world?
Could it be because these multiple connections offer us a diversity of strategies that allows to expand our horizons?
Those who know me well must have noticed that I like to make hypothesis about a variety of topics...
In Tunisia, Tarak Bouazizi, male, 26 years old, young graduate in computer science, doused himself with petrol, and set himself in fire in the public square after the authorities confiscated his wheelbarrow and goods, and then humiliated him when he tried to tell his story and find a solution to keep his small business. (ref http://www.gauchemip.org/spip.php?article11257)
Immolation was his opengov activism style. The sacrifice of his life was the only way that he found to demonstrate his point of view.
In Tunisia, and in many other countries around the world, bloggers are imprisoned, abused, tortured, and many die from their injuries. They sacrificed their human lives simply because they talked, they tried to share their point of view.
In Quebec, thousands of citizens have been arrested these past weeks, since the draconian Bill 78 has been adopted. Citizens are denied their right to demonstrate.
Two members of parliament of Quebec, Bernard Drainville and Amir Khadir, have been arrested and will have to pay a ticket (ref. Amir Khadir arrested; Bernard Drainville had to pay a ticket)
I don't demonstrate because I am a single mother with the responsibility of a son. If I am emprisoned, who will take care of my son??? Where will my son go during the time I spend in prison? I am also too poor to be able to afford having to pay very high fees to demonstrate. Some students have been billed nearly $700 for participating in a public demonstration. I need this money to feed my son.
As much as I would like to take part in daily demonstrations that occur every night, I must think of these things. Men who take the street, and are fathers, they are likely to have a wife that can take care of their children. That is not the case of single mothers.
What kinds of open government activists grow in such environments? Are there differences in gender? What directions do these activists explore? What solutions are they analysing?
Most of the 'sacrifice' bloggers / activists that we have seen so far have been mainly men. What happens when it comes to women activist? Do they think of other types of solutions, that men have not considered?
Consider me, for instance. Why do I talk about subject matters that are not normally discussed by other open government activists? What is it exactly, in my personal experience, which allows me to connect multiple factors together, and all link these to my open government activism?
When people take the streets, it is usually because the situation has become unsustainable in its most extreme way. How many years before a situation becomes completely intolerable, how long does it take before the bloggers perceive this situation and sound the alarm? During all these years that some far-seeing individuals live with these thoughts of unsustainable government in their heads, carry this vision of intolerance with them, what solutions do they find, in their own points of view, that could improve the situation?
Could we consider the various types of experiences of open government activists, including the "mainstream" or "traditional" and the more extreme "sacrifice" types, and after having looked at all their experiences and understood that they may represent a response to a certain type of (abusive) governance, be inspired by them to propose a diversification of strategies for open government?
Blogue de Lyne Robichaud
07 juin 2012
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Je trouve quelque chose en phytothérapie bon à partager ici avec toute personne souffrant de la maladie comme le VIH, l'herpès, l'hépatite ou la maladie de Lyme chronique, la maladie de Parkinson, la schizophrénie, le cancer du poumon, le cancer du sein, le cancer colo-rectal, le cancer du sang, le cancer de la prostate , siva.Fatal Insomnie Familiale Facteur V Leiden Mutation, Épilepsie Maladie de Dupuytren, Tumeur Desmoplasique À Petites Cellules Rondes Diabète, Maladie Cœliaque, Maladie de Creutzfeldt-Jakob, Angiopathie Amyloïde Cérébrale, Ataxie, Arthrite, Scoliose Amyotrophique Latérale Latérale, Foribromyalgie ProgresS sclérose, crises d'épilepsie, maladie d'Alzheimer, carcinome corticosurrénalien, asthme, maladies allergiques, VIH, sida, herpès, copd, glaucome., Cataractes, dégénérescence maculaire, maladie cardiovasculaire, maladie pulmonaire, hypertrophie de la prostate, ostéoporose, maladie d'Alzheimer,
Le lupus aussi.Le Dr Itua à base de plantes a fait guérir mon VIH et m'a donné l'espoir qu'il puisse guérir tous les types de maladies que je le croyais) Je fais de mon mieux que je peux faire, je suis allé pour un programme en Afrique de l'Ouest sur la mode sur un autre côté j'étais séropositif. Je marche dans un village voisin pour consulter notre programme, puis j'ai trouvé une signalisation indiquant le Dr Itua Herbal Center puis j'ai demandé à mes collègues ce qu'il en était de cet homme appelé Dr Itua, elle m'a dit qu'il était un phytothérapeute et qu'il pouvait tout guérir sorte de maladie je suis allé vers lui et je me suis expliqué à lui comme je suis un étrangleur là-bas, il m'a préparé des plantes médicinales et m'a dit comment le boire pendant deux semaines, quand j'arrive dans ma chambre d'hôtel, je le regarde alors dit une prière avant de la boire sans le savoir après deux semaines, je suis allé faire un test et j'ai découvert que j'étais négatif, je me suis précipité vers lui pour le payer plus mais il refuse et dit que je devrais partager ses œuvres pour moi dans le monde entier afin que les personnes malades puissent voir aussi. J'écris beaucoup sur lui cette saison, c'est ainsi que j'ai été guéri en buvant la phytothérapie du Dr Itua, c'est un homme attentionné avec un cœur pieux. Eh bien - tout ce que j'ai décidé est passé pour moi et comment vous allez traiter ce nouvel aspect de votre vie. Vous n'êtes pas obligé de souffrir seul et vous pouvez demander de l'aide. Il n'est pas nécessaire non plus que ce soit un démon constant, car vous apprendrez à connaître votre corps et vous-même d'une manière beaucoup plus profonde que la plupart des gens. Profitez-en, car cela vous aidera à apprécier Africa Herbal Made.
Coordonnées du Dr Itua.
Email ... drituaherbalcenter@gmail.com Numéro Whatsapp .... + 2348149277967
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