Blogue de Lyne Robichaud

08 mai 2009

Sommes-nous mûrs pour un WHO2? C'est ce que nous propose gsgs

L'ami Guenter Stertenbrink (gsgs), un passionné de mathématiques, casse-têtes, échecs, influenza, programmation, robotique et "futur éloigné", m'a contactée il y a deux jours pour me faire part de son idée de WHO2, une sorte de "Greenpeace for health".

"An ideal world would be able to separate the science from the politics. Unfortunately in our modern world, politics always gets involved with the wider implications that health crises cause, either global or domestic," a indiqué Guenter Stertenbrink.

Cela fait deux ans que je songe à cette même idée. À force d'observer les entités gouvernementales locales, régionales et internationales, ainsi que la communauté scientifique, j'en suis venue à la même conclusion que mon ami Guenter.

Nous assistons à une montée des goverati en ce moment. Alors je crois que cela pourrait être le bon timing pour créer davantage de transparence. La communauté de pratique Flublogienne est-elle prête à passer à un autre niveau de collaboration?

Afin d'appuyer Guenter Stertenbrink, j'ai effectué un retour sur J'ai opté pour la même signature que celle de Twitter: mon nom d'utilisateur sur ce site est Lyne_Robichaud.

Voici mes commentaires publiés sur FluTrackers aujourd'hui. Je n'ai pas le temps de les traduire en français.

Gsgs, I agree with you idea: there is a need for an independant entity.

There are no Flublogian diplomats or ambassadors.

The Greenpeace model, built by environmentalists, is successful. Why not apply it to health?

These past 3 years, I observed the scientific community, UN agencies, and governments. The "scientific renaissance" announced by Keiji Fukuda on May 7, 2008 never really unfolded before our eyes. The same un-transparency seen for H5N1 could probably be repeated for A(H1N1).

"We are in a period in which information on a number of different aspects of influenza is just burgeoning. In many ways, we are in a kind of scientific renaissance, but the technical information about a number of different issues have really increased at a huge pace." [Dr. Keiji Fukuda, Coordinator of WHO's Global Influenza Program. Source: WHO to Update Guidelines for Possible Flu Pandemic, By Lisa Schlein, FluLab, May 7, 2008]

Recently, (my friend) Dr. Mark Drapeau, researcher at the Center for Technology and National Security Policy (CTNSP) (@cheeky_geeky) came up with a new expression: "goverati". Since the beginning of 2009 - associated to the increased implementation of Governement 2.0 - we are assisting to the rise of goverati.

What is a goverati? "It is made up of people with first-hand knowledge of how the government operates, who understand how to use social software to accomplish a variety of government missions, and who want to use that knowledge for the benefit of all.

The goverati includes not only government employees, but also people from think tanks, trade publications, and non-profits. And it includes high-profile thinkers outside of the government who have an interest in a more open, transparent, and efficient government," according to Dr. Mark Drapeau.

The Sunlight Foundation uses the power of the Internet to shine light on the interplay of money, lobbying, and government. It is also a succesful model that we could look into.

CrisisCamp 2009 (Gov2.0 related to health and emergency issues) will take place on June 12-14 2009 in Washington, DC. I invite everyone to participate via Twitter, follow @Crisiscamp, and discuss and promote the idea of a "Greenpeace for health".

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