Blogue de Lyne Robichaud

22 mars 2012

Alessia, agility to reconsider everything

Appearances are deceiving, as you may know. You should certainly not rely on what will reveal your eyes, if you ever meet Alessia Zabatino, who is passionate about social innovation. The stylish young Italian is graceful as a ballerina. She is frail. She is tiny. But her mind is so bright! Her strength - is it her secret? - what allows her to reconsider everything, from which springs her creativity and perpetual questioning, she draws it from the greatness of what lies inside her. Because in order to be able do that, you need to live without limits. I do not mean to pretend living in a James Bond movie. Living dangerously. Not at all! I mean freedom of the spirit, with no barriers, an expanding mind.

Stagnation, corruption, mafia, risk aversion, are factors that hinder the evolution of governments and organizations. They drove Alessia to preach about creativity and collaboration. Dialogue between stakeholders, internal and external, is a must for her. She seeks to engage individuals in a transformation. By trying to motivate collective intelligence, Alessia hopes to change old values ​​rooted in the culture of governments.

How to overcome the rigidities to instill change? She first tried to influence authorities by demonstrating in the streets. She was rudely shaken during a demonstration to the point of breaking bones. "I felt defeated, disillusioned," she said. It could have been more than enough to cut her off from showing further interest in improving public policy. However, an ardent desire burns in Alessia, who will not likely return to the streets, but nevertheless continues to seek ways to raise awareness about the concept of social intelligence. For Alessia, creativity is the lever for systems renewal. She distinguishes herself by a process of differentiation. She only needs to adjust the intensity of each component in the system nesting, and to size the best approach for processing more agility.

I understand Alessia a little better now that I see that her mind tends to an absence of limits --- which is really the true nature of our mind, and a goal towards which we should all strive. I now understand why she talks about "her prisons", and I see why she got criticized for being "too good" and "too excellent in school." This is a complaint I often hear about me as well. Alessia, I would like to tell you to believe in yourself. If society has too many closed spaces, fly away (inward).

I invite you to read her mission reports:
Addiopizzo. Aware consumers against the Mafia system;
13 variations on a Baroque theme;
My Ithaca. Notice to Mariners.

21 mars 2012

ANDREI, agility to find the right thing to say

Tall (and I stress the word tall) blond with square jaws, Andrei Trubceac exudes calmness and self-control. Perhaps he feels like screaming (see "Interview with a Romanian activist" by Noemi Salantiu), but nevertheless he stands bolt upright. He looks at you straight in the eye. Despite his tall stature, his eyes are filled with goodness, with no trace of arrogance. He's only 23, but you would be surprised at how mature he seems to be. Andrei lives in Klausenburg, Cluj, Romania, and he comes from Orhei. He is currently looking for opportunities in the field of international development, in the area of peace and conflict. See also "Anti-ACTA activists of the world, unite!" and "At the edge of conflict and mixed identity".

If someone asks him a question for which he has no answer, he will ask you politely to give him a few minutes to formulate his thoughts, without letting anything show in his expression. Thereafter, he will respond calmly, weighing every word.

Andrei is completing studies in international relations. He seems to have chosen the right discipline that really suits him. He guessed right away that he is able to embody the right direction and is equipped to help people come to agreements. Maybe I'm wrong, but he does seem to have the makings of an ambassador. He listens respectfully, and I am grateful that he is not a chatterbox. I am convinced he would not make unsubstantiated or irrelevant claims.

In addition, he has a keen eye to identify situations that lack substance. He can tell you about things which nobody has thought of before, in the most natural way. This could enable him to develop a keen sense of assessment and the ability to deal with gray or undefined zones: what it takes to juggle with ambiguity.

He can also recognize the value of people and he is capable of expressing positive comments about them.

Andrei, who calls himself @TOOLosophy on Twitter, is able to observe attentively and keep cool in various situation, while finding the right thing to do or to say. Even if he speaks with caution and discernment, he does it with flexibility, therefore he probably on his way to develop strong skills for compromise and negotiation... always useful in conflicts, wouldn't you say?

ANDREI, l'agilité qui permet de trouver ce qu'il convient de dire

Grand (et j'insiste sur le grand) blond aux deux mâchoires carrées, Andrei Trubceac respire le calme et la maîtrise de soi. II rêve peut-être de hurler (voir "Interview with a Romanian activist" de Noemi Salantiu), mais néanmoins il se tient droit comme un piquet. Il vous regarde droit dans les yeux. Malgré sa grande stature, ses yeux sont pleins de bonté et vous n'y trouverez aucune trace d'arrogance. Il n'a que 23 ans, mais vous seriez surpris à quel point il semble mature. Andrei vit à Klausenburg, Cluj, en Roumanie, et il est originaire de Orhei, et est à la recherche d'opportunités dans le domaine du développement international et ce qui concerne la paix et les conflits. Voir aussi "Anti-ACTA activists of the world, unite!" et "At the edge of conflict and mixed identity".

Si quelqu'un lui pose une question à laquelle in ne sait que répondre, il vous demandera poliment de lui accorder quelques minutes pour formuler ses pensées, sans laisser transparaître quoi que ce soit. Par la suite, il répondra calmement, en pesant chaque mot.

Andrei termine des études en relations internationales. Il semble avoir choisi la bonne discipline qui lui convient. Il a deviné d'emblée qu'il est en mesure d'incarner le bon sens et qu'il est outillé pour aider les gens à s'accorder. Peut-être que je me trompe... aurait-il l'étoffe d'un ambassadeur? Il écoute respectueusement et j'apprécie le fait qu'il n'est pas un moulin à paroles. Je suis persuadée qu'il ne s'avancerait pas avec des déclarations non fondées ou non pertinentes.

En plus, il a un œil perçant pour discerner les situations qui manquent de substance. Il vous sert le plus naturellement du monde du jamais vu sur certaines choses, auxquelles personne n'a encore jamais songé auparavant. Par conséquent, j'entrevois que cela pourrait lui permettre de développer un sens aigu de l'évaluation et la capacité de composer avec des zones grises: ce qu'il faut pour jongler avec l'ambiguïté.

Il sait également reconnaître la valeur des gens et il est capable d'exprimer des commentaires positifs à leur égard. Andrei, qui a choisi de s'appeler @TOOLosophy sur Twitter, est capable d'observer attentivement et de garder son sang froid dans les situation, tout en trouvant la bonne chose à faire ou à dire. Même s'il s'exprime avec prudence et discernement, il possède de la souplesse, ce qui laisse envisager qu'il développera probablement des habiletés pour les compromis et la négociation.

ALESSIA, l'agilité qui permet de tout reconsidérer

Les apparences sont trompeuses, comme vous le savez peut-être. Il ne faudrait surtout pas vous fier à ce que vous révéleront vos yeux, si jamais vous rencontrez Alessia Zabatino, qui se passionne pour l'innovation sociale. L'élégante jeune italienne est gracieuse comme une ballerine. Elle est frêle. Elle est menue. Mais elle est si vive! Sa force - son secret que je crois avoir percé - ce qui lui permet de reconsidérer toutes choses, d'où jaillit sa créativité et d'où provient sa faculté de remise en cause perpétuelle, elle la puise dans la grandeur de ce qu'il y a à l'intérieur d'elle. Car pour arriver à faire cela, il faut pouvoir vivre sans limite. Je ne veux pas dire de vivre comme dans un film de James Bond. Vivre dangereusement. Pas du tout. Je parle de la liberté de l'esprit, l'absence de barrières, l'esprit en expansion.

Immobilisme, corruption, mafia, aversion au risque, sont autant de facteurs qui freinent l’évolution des gouvernements et des organisations, et qui ont poussé Alessia à prêcher la créativité et la collaboration. Le dialogue entre les acteurs, internes et externes, s'avère un incontournable à ses yeux. Elle cherche à engager les individus dans la transformation. En tentant de motiver l'intelligence collective, Alessia espère modifier les vielles valeurs ancrées dans la culture des gouvernements.

Comment surmonter les fortes rigidités au changement? Elle a d'abord tenté d'influencer les autorités en manifestant dans les rues. Elle a été rudement secouée lors d'une manifestation, au point de se rompre les os. «Je me sentais vaincue, désillusionnée», a-t-elle confié. Cela aurait pu être amplement suffisant pour lui couper tout intérêt pour l'amélioration des politiques gouvernementales. Cependant, l'ardent désir gronde de plus belle en Alessia, qui ne retournera probablement pas dans les rues, mais elle continue néanmoins de chercher des façons d'amener une prise de conscience à propos du concept d'intelligence sociale. Pour Alessia, la créativité est le levier de renouvellement des systèmes. Elle se distingue par une démarche de différenciation. Il ne lui reste plus qu'à moduler l'intensité de chacun des volets dans le système d'imbrication, et de dimensionner au mieux l'approche de transformation vers plus d'agilité.

Je comprends Alessia un peu mieux, maintenant que j'aperçois son esprit tendant vers l'absence de limites --- ce qui est par ailleurs la véritable nature de notre esprit, et ce vers quoi nous devrions tous tendre. Je comprends pourquoi elle parle de «ses prisons», et j'entrevois aussi pourquoi elle s'est fait reprocher d'être «trop bonne» et «trop performante à l'école». C'est un reproche que j'entends souvent à mon sujet également. Alessia, j'ai envie de te dire de croire en toi. Si la société comporte trop d'espaces fermés, envole-toi!

Je vous invite à lire ses rapports de mission:
Addiopizzo. Aware consumers against the Mafia system;
13 variations on a Baroque theme;
My Ithaca. Notice to Mariners.

20 mars 2012

TIAGO, agility to break down barriers of the mind

He has so much sweetness in the eyes that we want to blend into this haven of empathy and enjoy the freedom of being without moving. The young Tiago Dias Miranda (@normaluser) longs for peace. He is looking for solutions that would alleviate conflicts between peoples. If the authorities fail to reach an agreement, never mind, it does not stop Tiago, who realized that civilians are ready to move on and aspire only to live a life of calm and harmony. He concocted his "plan" of action and he is ready to test it. See his report "I've got a plan!".

This young designer for Social development with a beaming face is gifted to free spirits and push people to creativity. "Let yourself go, do not be afraid to dream," he will tell you. Because he knows that one must first let the imagination work in order for projects to be realized, for it is in the willingness to enter into the unknown that exists the field of all possibilities. Tiago helps people to surrender to the creative mind that orchestrates the dance of life. I find it rather remarkable that Tiago, at such a young age, has developed the wisdom of uncertainty. He is not afraid to lead others to make uncertainty their way to freedom. Read his report entitled "Life Journey".

In a jiffy, he will quickly help you visualize your ideas by sketching links between them. Entrust him with some colored pens and he will lie down on paper, clearly and concisely, all that you have in mind...

Tiago has in him the essence of what it takes to help people implement change: kindness and concern for the Others, combined with a great capacity to dream (and thereby to create). Defenders of peace and other universal causes, what are you waiting for? Come and recruit him!

P.S. Note to girls: Since he is capable of universal love, he will love you as you are and for what you are. Those who are afraid to love, please refrain...

Tell us what you like about Tiago. What thoughts crossed your mind when reading his reports? Do you have something you would like to share with Tiago?

Tiago, l’agilité qui fait tomber les barrières de l’esprit

Il a tellement de douceur dans les yeux qu’on a envie de se fondre dans ce havre d’empathie et savourer sans bouger la liberté de l’être. Le jeune Dias Miranda (@normaluser) aspire à la paix. Il se creuse la tête pour trouver des solutions qui permettraient d’adoucir les conflits entre les peuples. Si les autorités ne parviennent pas à un accord, qu’à cela ne tienne, cela n’arrête pas Tiago, qui a constaté que les civils sont prêts à tourner la page et n’aspirent qu’à vivre une vie de calme et d’harmonie. Il a concocté son «plan» d’intervention et il est prêt à le tester. Voir son rapport intitulé "I’ve got a plan!"

Ce jeune designer pour le développement social au visage rayonnant est doué pour libérer les esprits et pousser les gens à la créativité. «Laissez-vous aller, n’ayez pas peur de rêver», vous dira-t-il. Car il a compris qu’il faut d’abord laisser œuvrer l’imagination pour que se réalisent des projets. Car c’est dans la volonté d’entrer dans l’inconnu qu’existe le champ de toutes les possibilités. Tiago aide les gens à s’abandonner à l’esprit créatif qui orchestre la danse de la vie. Je trouve cela plutôt remarquable que ce jeune Tiago, à un si jeune âge, ait développé la sagesse de l’incertitude. Il ne craint pas d’entraîner les autres à faire de l'incertitude leur chemin vers la liberté. Lisez son rapport intitulé "Life journey".

En deux temps trois mouvements, il vous aidera à visualiser vos idées en esquissant rapidement des liens entre celles-ci. Confiez-lui quelques feutres de couleur et il vous couchera sur papier de façon claire et concise tout ce qui vous trotte dans la tête…

Tiago possède en lui l’essentiel de ce qu’il faut pour aider les gens à implanter le changement: la bonté et le souci de l’Autre, combinés à une grande capacité de rêver (et par le fait même de créer). Défenseurs de la paix et autres causes universelles, qu’attendez-vous? Venez le recruter!

P.S. Avis aux filles: Puisqu’il est capable d’amour universel, il vous aimera telle que vous êtes et pour ce que vous êtes. Celles qui ont peur d’aimer, s’abstenir…

Expliquez-nous ce qui vous plaît chez Tiago. Quelles pensées traversent votre esprit à la lecture de ses rapports de mission? Avez-vous des choses à partager avec Tiago?

08 mars 2012

Laye Kanté, a vision of open data extending to Francophonie

Abdoulaye Kanté is a consultant in information technology for development (ICT4D) and social media. He is the co-founder of the Link4Dev Group, which advises and supports the development of organizations and States to implement process optimization and productivity through the use of information technology and communication.

His vision of open data extends beyond the African continent, to the Francophonie. He recently founded the Forum francophone des données ouvertes, and dreams about gathering through a conference, a community of open data and open government experts in Dakar, Senegal.

Earlier this year, he wished that his government, Senegal, would have become the Francophone State flagship of the Open Government and Francophonie Project (created by open government activists Lyne Robichaud and JohnFMoore, see the mission report, Longing for open government).

Laye was assigned with high responsibilities as ICT4D manager at NGO Enda Lead Francophone Africa, as well as technical adviser for a number the Department of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) of the Government of Senegal. His areas of expertise are public ICT policies in the context of developing countries and analysis of usage arising from the wave of the Internet community (open data, open government, open innovation, business 2.0, e-gov and mobile development. Laye Kanté is very familiar with the context of the ICT in sub-Saharan countries and is a member of several networks of experts working for the development of information technology in Africa.

Read more about Laye

Ampat Koshy rides on the wings of love: Autism for Help Village

When parents have to fight and advocate for their children, they find renewed hope and strength, because they love their children with every part of their being. Everyday brings unique challenges that can wear us down, or build us up. Parents of autistic children often run out to look for solutions. But parents have something very special, that any healthcare or social worker professionals cannot offer: they value differences and know a love and appreciation deeper than most.

Ampat Koshy, an assistant professor teaching English litterature, has his mind filled with poetry and love. He found wings he may have never thought he had. His son is autistic and he decided to do something to help his community by founding the Autism for Help Village He said that this is his lifetime project. He aims to bring adequate educational, therapeutic, medical, vocational, and other assistance to the unserved, autistic children/peoples, and their families and caregivers, in the communities of south India.

"You have started a trip, you have a long way to walk, many of us want to share that trip with you, we can keep learning together at the Village of Equity [the Autism for Help Village]", said Ternura Rojas, Ph.D, Pharmacist, Expert in environment/food science.

Ampat inspires others and shows children amazing and unconditional love. He is hoping that parents and caregivers will receive long-term support, acceptance, and inclusion. Let us hope that Ampat will keep dreaming, loving, sharing, finding hope and strength. We need more people like Ampat in this world!

Read more about Ampat
Autism Village Project

Marko Rakar, a Don Quixote vision about the power of transparency

Some are just really talented at making waves! Believe it or not, vigilantes, modern Cervante's Don Quixote still exist today. However, their adventures aren't in knight-errantry, but more about data transparency. In true democracies, information belongs to the public. More often than not, the only remedies to democratic defects comes from determined citizens taking the initiative to do something that serves the public interest.

Marko Rakar, a well known data transparency and open governance activist, made a stir in his country on several occasions. He runs Croatia's largest blog, He is recognized by World eGovernment forum as one of the "Top 10 who are changing the world of politics on the Internet".

In 2009, with a group of people, Marko published a Croatian fraud-ridden voter registry files. Marko's group created a simple search engine, which showed number of registered voters on particular adress so anyone was able to check for his household or his neighbours how many registered voters are there. This triggered a constitution crisis and reform effort in Croatia.

He recently published an enormous database of government procurements, pointing to detecting corruption and fraud. "It is easy to track and identify "winners" in the public procurement field and it is really easy to spot highly unusual contractors," explained Marko.

Read more about Marko

05 mars 2012

Jean-François Gauthier, a vision for the future of public services through open government

Jean-François Gauthier, who specialized in management consulting for the Quebec City firm Loran Technologies, is concerned about the interaction between the government and citizens. His professional experience enabled him to understand the needs of citizens and the constraints of a public system.

He is worried about the lack of public confidence in their representatives and civic disengagement. Jean-François and his family witnessed a coup in Haiti in September 1990. Two weeks of constant gun shots around his house in this country opened his eyes. He knows how we too easily take democracy for granted, how precious it really is.

Jean-François believes in leveraging technology to render public services more efficient. During a strategic consulting assignment at the Treasury Board of the government of Quebec, he became aware of the potential of open government. An "awesome discovery", he said. He realized that technology tools available today can be integrated to a government within a structured approach, something useful to increase public confidence. Jean-François sees how transparency and information flow increases public trust, improve policy makers accountability, and can increase the level of performance of public agencies. He likes how open government brings a unifying vision of business that can help meet the challenges of government budget constraints.

Jean-François also has a keen interest in developing multilateral partnerships that will support development of open government initiatives in the French speaking countries. He's a founding member of recently launched

Read more about Jean-François
― Mon cheminement vers le gouvernement ouvert

Pedro Prieto-Martin, a vision of enhanced municipal e-participation

It takes courage and strength to dare to dream. Pedro Prietro-Martín is "at the service of his dreams". He followed his heart's desire. "I actually feel that I couldn’t do anything else! Everything seems to fit now so clearly… that I couldn’t help but follow this way. I have to chase my dream."

Pedro is the founding president of the Asociación Ciudades Kyosei (, a civic organization whose aim is to foster civic engagement by means of ICT technologies. Founded in 2006, it is the oldest Spanish NGO devoted to the promotion of (e)Participation. Pedro is responsible for creating a virtual system for municipal citizen participation, suited for developed, as well as developing countries.

He created a model that provides citizens and politicians tools promoting a stronger citizen incidence at the municipal level, which is where the interaction representative-represented is easier and closer. Pedro realized there is a need for new tools and methods which enhance the ability of citizens and politicians to work together in solving their daily problems, and thus promote a renewal of politics. A true democracy needs to be guided by an intense and constant dialogue between politicians and the citizens.

Pedro saw he needed to move further from the dualism expressed in the "top-down"/ "bottom-up" opposition, and go in the direction of a "kaleidoscopic governance", with multiple actors and stakeholders involved. Pedro realized that the requirements needed to support participation... just started to converge.

Read more about Pedro
―Creation of Kyopol system

Michel Fillippi, a connected philosopher observes systems and models new ones

Michel Filippi describes himself as an experimental philosopher. He has a strong presence in social media and applies his philosophical discoveries to various fields: business strategy, product design, e-learning, innovation and training. He practices a philosophy that relates to generic philosophy, by no means the science of science, not the ultimate knowledge about all knowledge.

Michel sees philosophy as a good companion, allowing to look into situations and systems, a way to organize what we perceive in a different way, through an exploration of the human being. Everywhere he goes, Michel is a good companion: he discusses with many and helps people think.

He creates models of situations, operations and relationships. His models, accurate examinations of any moment, show that any actor is involved in several situations and therefore simultaneously holds different roles. Models produce a variety of knowledge, explanations, forms, allow to test their existence in a continuous manner.

For Michel, the problem of leadership is related to the definition that we give it and our definition of the world, ie the first individual to which this definition refers. Michel believes open government needs to develop a model of the world, at least describe it, have it explored. Innovation should be guarded against any predetermination. Open access requires the design of new tools for processing such data, because all data processing tools require prior specifications. One of his models predicted that the more new data is available, the more ordinary actions, having already taken place, are being justified.

Read more about Michel
― Comment je suis devenu philosophe

― Un philosophe a-t-il son mot à dire sur l'open government?

― "Data". Que sont les data dans un projet de gouvernement ouvert?

― Des hommes et de notre civilisation

John F Moore, a vision of worldwide collaboration

His drive for making society better and doing something worthwhile is bigger than his fear of failure. He has the courage to refuse to play small. Courage is contagious! One brave innovator sparks the pilot light that encourages others to think big and act bold. It takes guts to get out of the lunatic fringe where new breakthroughs are found, encourage people to write about dumb processes and bad systems that limit potential.

Meet John F Moore, founder and CEO of Government in the Lab ―, the online magazine for government and politicis across the world. He preaches that open government creates jobs. He embraces change without batting an eyelash, deals with turmoil with serene calmness. Through chaos, he always sees opportunities for action and for business. Throughout his career, it became increasingly clear to John that open communication, honest dialog, is a key component for success for all individuals, organizations, and governments.

John's vision of open government is a worldwide collaboration. He invites all to participate in making his online magazine better, by constantly requesting input and encouraging action. He has the ability to increase optimism, raise energy, and momentum: he creates movement. John enhances and disseminates knowledge created through collaborative and productive relationships locally, nationally and worldwide.

If you take the time to know John, you will find out it is time to start dreaming again, test new ideas, try new things and challenge the status quo. And even be wrong.

Read more about John
― A vision for open government

― Open government data is world-wide, gaining in priority, and creating jobs

― Hacking for change ― Mapping our way to a global vision of positive change

04 mars 2012

Accepter de faire «assez bien», que cela signifie-t-il, pour un gouvernement ouvert?

Avec le gouvernement ouvert et les données ouvertes, les nouvelles technologies de l’information sont considérées comme l’une des forces majeures du changement. Cependant, la recherche de nouveauté en systèmes d’information accorde une place prééminente à la technologie dans la transformation organisationnelle, au risque de négliger de nombreux facteurs sociaux et environnementaux.

Il a été discuté, lors du Web à Québec 2012, de la nécessité d’accepter de faire les choses «assez bien». Cela s’adressait au gouvernement du Québec, mais cette suggestion pourrait s’appliquer à la plupart des gouvernements, à des entreprises, et à des organisations.

Accepter de considérer l’«assez bien» serait une innovation de rupture, un début de transition organisationnelle vers davantage de souplesse.

Le fait de vouloir tout faire parfaitement, être parfait ― montrer un masque de perfection ― a pour effet de rendre la plupart des rouages assez rigides.
Il y a plusieurs types de personnalité d’être humains. Les gouvernements sont gérés par des êtres humains, mais je préfère parler de modèles, dans le cas des gouvernements.

Dans «Comment gérer les personnalités difficiles», F. Lelord et C. André expliquent en quoi consiste une personnalité «obsessionnelle». Voici leur description:
«La personnalité obsessionnelle se caractérise par son perfectionnisme. Ce qui n'est pas parfait à 100% est un échec total. Son attention au détail est telle qu'elle en perd souvent de vue l'ensemble. Si elle est perpétuellement envahie par le souci de bien faire, elle a toutefois tendance à penser que sa méthode est la seule qui garantisse la perfection et ses règles les seules acceptables. Ce qui lui fait considérer que les autres ne sont pas fiables. Habitée souvent d'un reliquat du sentiment de toute puissance infantile, elle se sent responsable de son environnement et de tout ce qui s'y passe, elle prend la responsabilité de le maintenir en ordre. Elle a tendance à se laisser envahir par le doute, tant la décision semble difficile de peur de commettre une erreur. Elle fait preuve d'une certaine froideur relationnelle, c'est une personnalité qui se montre formelle, souvent embarrassée et a beaucoup de mal à se montrer chaleureuse.»
Cette description correspond à un comportement extrême. Cependant, en examinant les comportements difficiles, il est possible de saisir rapidement qu’un excès de rigidité ne favorise pas l’épanouissement d’une relation de collaboration avec des citoyens, dans un contexte de gouvernement ouvert.

Accepter la suggestion de faire les choses «assez bien» serait un début de transition organisationnelle : une piste de solution, qui ouvre la voie sur le questionnement d’un des modèles ― le modèle de la perfection ― qui pourrait avoir pu être préconisé.

Comment fait-on pour respirer l’«assez bien»? Comment travailler de façon «assez bien» se transpose-t-il dans des tâches quotidiennes, la gestion des équipes, et les relations avec les gens? Quelles sont les différences, pour un dirigeant, d’envisager de gérer des équipes dans un esprit «assez bien»? Quel effet cela a-t-il sur les membres d’une équipe, et leurs collaborateurs?

Simplement se dire que l’on adopte l’«assez bien» ne serait pas assez bien... Je n’affirme pas cela dans un souci de perfection, mais plutôt en gardant à l’esprit qu’une transformation organisationnelle pourrait s’articuler en considérant la nature de l’initiative de transformation, l’écologie de la transformation, le processus de transformation, ainsi que les résultats de la transformation et leur évaluation.

Il faudrait pouvoir prendre quelque recul pour observer les modèles en place, définir quels sont ces modèles, définir de nouveaux modèles, évaluer quels sont les individus verrouillés dans les modèles désuets, et tabler sur la diversité, en introduisant graduellement dans les équipes des individus qui correspondent aux nouveaux modèles.

Je suis préoccupée par le caractère non stratégique et la difficulté de vaincre l’inertie permettant la transformation. Il faudrait veiller à ce que les comportements dans l’organisation soient moins orientés vers un souci d’efficacité mais affichent plutôt ce qui est légitime. Il faut faire également attention à ce que le succès et l’innovation ne deviennent des parures de diverses formes d’acquiescement, par habitude, imitation et conformité.

Ne pas perdre de vue que le phénomène de la transformation organisationnelle est indépendant du degré d’innovation technologique ou fonctionnelle du système d’information déboucherait sur un questionnement: sous quelles conditions l’initiative technique peut être considérée comme un mécanisme de transformation?
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