Blogue de Lyne Robichaud

08 décembre 2010

CALL FOR COLLABORATION - Digital art for Positive Attitude Award/Phoenix's Nest

Phoenix's Nest is looking for creative people to make a photo-reportage Grammy-Awards-style for our Positive Attitude Award of the Year.

The Positive Attitude Award of the Year is an award attributed to Empire Avenue users by members of Phoenix's Nest, which aims to promote positive attitude as being contagious in social media. Attitude is a mindset. A positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that focuses primarily on positive things. A positive attitude gives bring energy to a person and her entourage. Furthermore, a negative attitude saps energy. Members of Phoenix's Nest are asked to describe why they nominate a person. This collective exercise will ultimately list the different winning strategies of using social media, and will indicate why some users are more succesful, and what is their secret. Valuing and appreciating each other is also an important element of Phoenix's Nest mission.

This new project consists of digital art, computer-generated images, using nominees' faces and turning them into rock stars: photo-montages of nominees walking up the red carpet alley or anything Hollywood style; paparazzi taking pictures of nominee stars; nominees proudly holding their award, or waving hand; nominees coming out of a limousine; nominees posing on the walkway, etc. Group pictures, nominees interacting with each other, people kissing (*blushing*), nominees giving a speech, nominees dancing together, or nominees performing a song on stage, etc.

We also would need scenario designers and script writers. These contributors will help Phoenix's Nest create a fun outstanding and very original photo-montage.

Woouuu ooouuu! I wonder what kind of nice dress I will end up wearing to the Positive Attitude Award ceremony... and who will be my consort! So thrilling!

Examples of digital art involving Empire Avenue users
Claire McGonigal (e)CMCG with Brad (digital art by William Pitcher (e)RZR)

Lance Taylor (e)LANCETAY with Brad (digital art by William Pitcher (e)RZR)

Duleepa Wijayawardhana (e)DUPS in squirrel suit (digital art by Lance Taylor (e)LANCETAY)

Deadline for participation
Deadline for digital art: January 5th, 2011.

All nominees will be announced in the photo-reportage.

Have fun playing with images!

About Phoenix's Nest
Phoenix’s Nest has 237 members and is currently the third Top Personal/Private community of Empire Avenue. Phoenix’s Nest’s mission is to develop strong networking links in social media and convey warmth in relationships. At Phoenix’s Nest, we appreciate, respect and support each other. Members feel that they are part of an active and thriving community that is there for them. Empathy and a playful attitude are being encouraged.

Nominees, Positive Attitude of the Year
So far, 17 nominations have been received for the Positive Attitude Award of the Year:
Adriel Hampton (e)ADRIEL
Allie Wojtaszek (e)ALLIE
Chris Latko (e)CLATKO
Fee Easton (e)BOOTCOOT
Fozzie Dog (e)FOZDOG
Greg Scratchley (e)ITCH
Jitesh Panchal (e)UNS33N
John Moore (e)JOHNFMOORE
Jordan Hodges (e)JORDNH
Krimson Gray (e)ANIME
Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER
Nick Provost (e)NICKP
Omar Habayeb (e)OKMMH
Pooch Land (e)WOOF
Reign @reigny (e)REIGN
Ron Stark (e)RSTARK
Teagan Thedog (e)TEAGAN

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