Phoenix's Nest, Empire Avenue's third most popular personal/private community, has been lead by two forceful fearless women (with no consort): Dragon_flaming and Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER. They like men to be bold, witty, successful, handsome, faithful, playful, with a developed sense of aesthetics - an interest for art (literature, music, visual arts, cinema, theatre, opera, etc.) -, and extremely passionate in everything they do.
They like men with ENERGY!
When Dragon_flaming was the community leader, chivalry, knights and dragons helped highlight the 'Good Guys'.
Metrics (of survey, Hairdo Competition) have shown us that men are three times more popular than women at Phoenix's Nest. Instead of voting for their favorite hairdo, members of Phoenix's Nest voted for their favorite person. It turned out that participants with the most votes were men. These results surprised me a lot because they had no connection with hair... it was all about (male) sex appeal, attractiveness or personal qualities.
The mythical universe of dragons was removed when The Dragon's Cave turned into The Phoenix's Nest. But this reality continues to persist. Men continue to be more popular. To my regret, women have shown a need for more self-assertiveness. It took four to five times more efforts to build the Women Calendar (compared to the male project). And despite these additional efforts, we were not able to launch them simultaneously. We have fallen behind on schedule for the ladies' project. (We are going to complete the Women Calendar soon. It should be launched in early January 2011.)
Therefore, in our future projects, we must reflect this reality: leverage men' strength, but always remember that we should try to work on empowering women.
I do not know exactly what kind of impact the Men Calendar 2011 will have on Phoenix's Nest dynamics. It will have one. I am certain. However, I am unable to evaluate to what extent.
Calendar will be launched in three days from now, on Sunday December 12 2010. So it is a good timing for life coaching the foals...
I noticed that Adriel Hampton (e)ADRIEL has been more playful lately. He has shown dedication and care for others. He also had several iconoclast ideas, which I must admit, have completely floored me! His repeated use of the word 'love' (synonyms and derivatives) has not gone unnoticed. His new attitude is having a positivite impact on his popularity.
Jitesh Panchal (e)UNS33N won the second position at the Hairdo Competition last October (Sanket Farande, also from India, was no.1, but he deleted his EAv account). Lately, Jitesh received a lot of cheers and comments as a nominee of the Phoenix's Nest Positive Attitude Award of the Year.
Other participants to the Men Calendar are Jordan Hodges (e)JORDNH, Brandon Burke (e)BLIND, Chris Latko (e)CLATKO, Yashvir Dalaya (e)YASH, Tim Conrad (e)TIMCON, Brian Smith (e)COMEDY, Tom Edwards (e)MRWORK, Steve Jaeschke (e)DRAGONSCALE, Alan Silberberg (e)SILGOV, Greg Scratchley (e)ITCH and Marc Rogers (e)CJUNKY.
There is more energy at Phoenix's Nest. We can all feel it. I remember that when a new member arrived as The Dragon's Cave, Dragon_flaming was forced to generate animation for newcomers. This task took some of her time and energy. And it eventually tired her. I do not systematically welcome everyone like Dragon_flaming used to do. I let the members of the community do it. I did not give instructions to the administrative team. I did not point out this task. It just happened naturally: now everyone participates. Yesterday, a new member showed up at The Phoenix's Nest (Becky @SoCaliGirl123 (e)EDC10) and in a matter of a few hours, she received 26 welcoming messages.
A high energy level pushes a person to enjoy life. It is a strength coming from the inside, leading to live more intensely.
More (personal) energy in social media leads to success, popularity and recognition. If members of our community combine passion with a positive attitude, this will lead to a higher level of energy, and it will affect our social relationships.
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