The Positive Attitude Award of the Year is an award attributed to Empire Avenue users by members of Phoenix's Nest. This award aims to promote positive attitude as being contagious in social media.
Attitude is a mindset. A positive attitude is the outward manifestation of a mind that focuses primarily on positive things. A positive attitude gives and brings energy to a person and her entourage. Furthermore, a negative attitude saps energy. Members of Phoenix's Nest are asked to describe why they nominate a person. This collective exercise will ultimately list the different winning strategies of using social media, and will indicate why some users are more succesful, and what is their secret. Valuing and appreciating each other is also an important element of Phoenix's Nest mission.

Phoenix’s Nest has 248 members (December 20, 2010) and is currently the second Top Personal/Private community of Empire Avenue. Phoenix’s Nest’s mission is to develop strong networking links in social media and convey warmth in relationships. At Phoenix’s Nest, we appreciate, respect and support each other. Members feel that they are part of an active and thriving community that is there for them. Empathy and a playful attitude are being encouraged.
Nominees (by alphabetical order)
Adriel Hampton (e)ADRIEL
Allie Wojtaszek (e)ALLIE
Andrew Yochum (e)YOCHUM
Chris Latko (e)CLATKO
Cindy Smith (e)REIGN
Claire McGonigal (e)CMCG
Collin Eagles (e)COLINEAGLES
Fee Easton (e)BOOTCOOT
Fozzie Dog (e)FOZDOG
Greg Scratchley (e)ITCH
Jitesh Panchal (e)UNS33N
John Moore (e)JOHNFMOORE
Jordan Hodges (e)JORDNH
Judy King (e)MICRA
Krimsom Gray (e)ANIME
Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER
Nick Provost (e)NICKP
Pooch Land (e)WOOF
Ron Stark (e)RSTARK
Teagan TheDog (e)TEAGAN
Karen Suhaka (e)SMOODLE

Josepf Haslam (e)JOSEPF agreed to be Presenter of Ceremony Night.
He defines himself as a catalyst for Change. He brings passion to businesses. Josepf is extremely charming and has great personality for this event. Members will be delighted with his performance.
(Listen to his incredible voice) Mercedes-Benz USA Tweet Race - #UsGuys on Twitter
(Euh, let's hope he has classy wear for Ceremony Night!) Ugly Sweater Contest Video
Josepf suggested Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER to make a few presentations as well. You will get to hear Lyne's French accent!
Location – San Francisco City Hall
The San Francisco City Hall building's vast open space is more than 500,000 square feet (46,000 m2) and occupying two full city blocks. Its dome, which owes much to Mansart’s Baroque dome of Les Invalides, Paris, is the fifth largest dome in the world, rising 307.5 ft (93.7 m) above the Civic Center Historic District Civic Center District. It is 14 in (360 mm) higher than the United States Capitol. The principal architect was Arthur Brown Jr. It is considered one of the finest examples of classical architecture in the country. Many people have been married at the San Francisco City Hall, but one of the most famous marriages was Joe DiMaggio and Marilyn Monroe.

Invited chef – Ferran Adrià
Ferran Adrià is considered one of the best chefs in the world. Adrià is often associated with "molecular gastronomy." He has referred to his cooking as deconstructivist. Adrià's stated goal is to "provide unexpected contrasts of flavour, temperature and texture. Nothing is what it seems. The idea is to provoke, surprise and delight the diner." As he likes to say, "the ideal customer doesn't come to El Bulli to eat but to have an experience."

Invited Performers
Pop Levy is an English singer, multi-instrumentalist, record producer and filmaker. Pop Levi likes to explain what is good in pop music and how it is "astral". Pop Levi takes and carries us through a sea of jagged guitar riffs, drums thundering, bass fluffy, guided by a unique voice. The boy was also noted for its scenic supercharged performance, such as an electrified Dylan. There is no question for him to tell about the severity of reality. Pop Levi is not a reporter. He wants to recreate reality and recreate its image.

Pop Levi aime à expliquer ce qu'il y a de bon dans la musique pop et en quoi elle est «astrale». Pop Levi prend et transporte à travers un océan de riffs de guitare déchiquetés, de batteries grondantes, de basses duveteuses, guidé par une voix unique. Le garçon s'est également fait remarquer par ses performances scénique survoltés, tel un Dylan électrifié. Il n'est pas question pour lui de raconter la sévérité de la réalité, Pop Levi n'est pas un reporter, il veut recréer la réalité et la recréer à son image.
Two other performers to be announced.
Award Design Project
Brandon Burke (e)BLIND is designing the award (conception, creation, digital art).
Nominees Video Clip Project – Thank You Acceptance Speech
This project consists of filming nominees when they receive their award and give a Thank You speech. The purpose of a Thank You or Acceptance Speech is to express gratitude for something shown/given you, be it an award for achievement, a gracious, helpful and loving attitude.
• Acknowledgement of the audience come to witness the occasion
• An appreciative awareness of those who made it possible for you to achieve the award
• What the award means to the nominee - including reference to the values/goals/aspirations the donor organization represents and how they inspire
• Stories - small personal heart-felt annecdotes to show what receiving this gift/award means to the nominees’ life. These make it real for the audience.
Nominees are contacted by Josepf Haslam. He films each participant while they are giving their Thank You or Acceptance Speech on Skype. These video clips are a small section of a larger video presentation. They will then serve as material for the general video of the Award.
TEAM: Josepf Haslam (e)JOSEPF (animation, filming, editing)
Nominees Digital Art & Scrapbooking Project
This new project consists of digital art, computer-generated images, using nominees' faces and turning them into rock stars: photo-montages of nominees walking up the red carpet alley or anything Hollywood style; paparazzi taking pictures of nominee stars; nominees proudly holding their award, or waving hand; nominees coming out of a limousine; nominees posing on the walkway, etc. Group pictures, nominees interacting with each other, people kissing (*blushing*), nominees giving a speech, nominees dancing together, or nominees performing a song on stage, etc.
Blog post Call for nominations
Inspiration for style , idea provided by Nick Provost (e)NICKP: POP LEVI - Never Never Love
Digital art and scrapbooking team: Brandon Burke (e)BLIND (digital art, people accompanying accompanying), Josepf Haslam (e)JOSEPF (photo search, digital art, pasting backgrounds), Mitch Neff (e)MITCHNEFF (teaching and guidance about Photoshop), and Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER (preliminary digital art work, scrapbooking, project managing)
Award Video-clip & Photojournalism Project
Photojournalism is a particular form of journalism (the collecting, editing, and presenting of news material for publication or broadcast) that creates images in order to tell a news story. It is usually understood to refer only to still images, but the term also refers to video used in broadcast journalism. Narrative — the images combine with other news elements to make facts relatable to the viewer or reader.
A series of several elements – Thank You and Acceptance Speech, digital art, scrapbooking, photos of the location, texts and descriptions, etc. - are run in succession to produce a short, animated video. This compilation of video frames results in a genera video of the Award.
TEAM: Josepf Haslam (e)JOSEPF (project managing, conception, planification, production) and Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER (assistant, content provider, edition); Fee Easton (e)BOOTCOOT (digital art, removing backgrounds); Cindy Smith (e)REIGN (suggestions of apps).
Users Shell Virtual Experience Project
This project aims to keep users engaged in a virtual experience: an event-based networking linked to a form of digital interaction and social networking online (Pearltrees connect). It adds a new dimension to participation to Ceremony Night. Users surf through the virtual event (user experience, user engagement and user flow). The user experience is enriched by offering productive engagement opportunities such as surfing through shells of information, opening up shells of content, discovering profiles and photos of nominees and video streaming, and connecting to internal social networks. Content is concise and interactive.
TEAM: Josepf Haslam (e)JOSEPF (project managing, conception, planification, production) and Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER (assistant, content provider, edition)
December 5 – Creation of the Positive Attitude Award of the Year – New Discussion Thread
December 5 – Invitation to members to suggest nominees
December 8 – Call for Collaboration – Digital Art – Blog post L’Ère du temps and AveInfluence
December 13 – Brandon Burke accepts to collaborate to Digital art project
December 15 – Brandon Burke asks for specifications (people accompanying nominees)
December 16 – Josepf Haslam accepts to be Presenter
December 17 – First team Brainstorming session (Lyne Robichaud and Josepf Haslam)
December 18 – Invitations to 5 nominees – Thank You and Acceptance Speech
December 19 – First Draft tool – Gathering of all the information, and presentation of the project to Community Administrators
December 20-23 – Josepf Haslam contacts 5 nominees for Thank You and Acceptance Speech
December 20-23 – Preliminary work, digital art. Search, background photos and nominees.
December 23-29 – Digital art and scrapbooking project
Early January 2011 – Preliminary elements, in preparation for general video presentation – editing, voice recording, coordination of all projects
Mid January – Final step, general video, montage, edition
Third week of January – Launching of general video, posting, marketing and communications
Last week of January – Shell virtual experience project
First week of February – Launching and posting, Shell virtual experience project
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