PHOENIX’S NEST, IN A SECRET LOCATION. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 2010 − Today, Adriel Hampton (e)ADRIEL @adrielhampton joined the community administrative team of Phoenix’s Nest.
Adriel has been a “valued contributor” for three months at Phoenix’s Nest. His official title was Sergeant-of-arms (when this community was called The Dragon’s Cave). Members of the community appreciate his assiduous presence, friendly contribution, and common sense. (e)ADRIEL is currently in the first position as Top People Shares on Empire Avenue.
Phoenix’s Nest has 238 members and is currently the third Top Personal/Private community of Empire Avenue. Phoenix’s Nest’s mission is to develop strong networking links in social media and convey warmth in relationships. At Phoenix’s Nest, we appreciate, respect and support each other. Members feel that they are part of an active and thriving community that is there for them. Empathy and a playful attitude are being encouraged. But most important is the feeling that they are useful and involved in something bigger. Within any community, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience which, if used in creative ways, can be channelled into collective action to achieve the communities' desired goal.
Adriel Hampton is an early Gov 2.0 adopter and co-founded the popular public interest podcast Gov 2.0 Radio show (also on Empire Avenue, (e)G2R) that has featured tech and public policy leaders including Jeffrey Levy of the Federal Web Managers Council, Tim O’Reilly of O’Reilly Media, and Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist. He has worked with U.S. state and federal Gov.2.0 experts to develop and launch an official Twitter account for San Francisco City Attorney Dennis Herrera. Since 2003, Adriel has worked as an investigator for the San Francisco City Attorney's Office, and he began his career as an editor, designer and writer for several San Francisco Bay Area daily newspapers. In 2009, he ran a grassroots campaign for U.S. Congress.
With the administrative team, Adriel Hampton will contribute to creating opportunities for Phoenix’s Nest to learn new skills and, by enabling members to act together.
Community administrators Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER (Canada), Jitesh Panchal (e)UNS33N (India), Fee Easton (e)BOOTCOOT (United Kingdom), Steve Jaeschke (e)DRAG0N (Australia), Doug Walters (e)DARING (United States), and Avenue Influence (e)AVEINFLUENCE look forward to collaborating with Adriel Hampton in the months ahead.
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