PHOENIX’S NEST, IN A SECRET LOCATION. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 5th, 2010 - Today, Avenue Influence (e)AVEINFLUENCE joined the community administrative team of Phoenix’s Nest. Avenue Influence – www.avenueinfluence.com @avenueinfluence, the real scoop on Empire Avenue – is a We-blog and online community edited by John Moore (e)JOHNFMOORE. This community is a place where Empire Avenue users can come to discuss Empire Avenue, share guides, blog posts, and other general information to benefit fellow users.
So these two communities, Phoenix’s Nest and Avenue Influence, will be working together.
Phoenix’s Nest has 238 members and is currently the third Top Personal/Private community of Empire Avenue. Phoenix’s Nest’s mission is to develop strong networking links in social media and convey warmth in relationships. At Phoenix’s Nest, we appreciate, respect and support each other. Members feel that they are part of an active and thriving community that is there for them. Empathy and a playful attitude are being encouraged.
But most important is the feeling that they are useful and involved in something bigger. Within any community, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience which, if used in creative ways, can be channelled into collective action to achieve the communities' desired goals.
Community development seeks to empower individuals and groups of people by providing these groups with the skills they need to affect change in their own communities.
Empire Avenue is in a startup phase of development, a jumpstarting a landmark initiative in social media. “Empire Avenue is a great game which is also a social network tool for creating value-based relationships,” wrote Duleepa Wijayawardhana (e)DUPS, in ‘Freedom to expand’.
How can the communities of Empire Avenue contribute to development of relationships?
Avenue Influence brings fresh ideas and dedication to community development. Avenue Influence’s editor John Moore has an impressive background as consultant necessary to help guide Phoenix’s Nest as it works to achieve this goal.

John Moore is an open government strategist, consultant, and analyst. He has experience working with local governments and small and medium business owners to achieve their goals. John is also a prolific blogger, a frequent speaker on open government, government 2.0 and social business strategies, and has grown strong, thriving communities across the web. His experience in this area is regularly used to help organizations and individuals to achieve their goals while building a loyal and engaged following.
With the administrative team, Avenue Influence will contribute to creating opportunities for Phoenix’s Nest to learn new skills and, by enabling members to act together.
Community administrators Lyne Robichaud (e)PAPIER (Canada), Jitesh Panchal (e)UNS33N (India), Fee Easton (e)BOOTCOOT (United Kingdom), Steve Jaeschke (e)DRAG0N (Australia), and Doug Walters (e)DARING (United States), look forward to collaborating with Avenue Influence in the months ahead.
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