Revealing the hidden aspirations, processes, and even laws of nature, underlying what the Edgeryders participants care about, probably constitutes the most pressing grand challenge, and is equally important for the development of novel robust, trustworthy and adaptive public policies, as well as guidelines for businesses, organizations and lifestyles in general.
Integrating Edgeryders content could go as far as creating a paradigm shift.
I caught here and there, a substantial amount of content which was aiming to mean that society has been lopsided because it has paid much attention to certain things, like accumulation of goods and power, acquisitive, aggressive, ambitious behavior, and less attention to the exploration of things, like nonviolence, truthfulness, absence of anger, tranquility, kindness to creatures and other human beings, limiting idle pursuits, foregiveness, absence of self-importance, to name just a few.
What struck me most in this experiment Edgeryders, are the comments of several participants, who went well beyond my wildest expectations.
What many Edgeryders participants are saying - using a wide variety of ways to express it - is that the present state of luxury and comfort of our society, our habits and ways of life and our corresponding systems, denote an absence of fire that must kindle to lift it up from the old position toward a new pattern of life, more in harmony with inner growth.
The present tangled position of the world, well described with details by Edgeryders participants, is a loud warning that reform is needed at once.
Edgeryders participants demonstrated that efforts made in politicians, thinkers, scholars, imbued with ideas that have become outmoded now, instead of improving, are making the situation worse. Only a radical change of thought and behavior, in the social and political orders would bring about healthy change.
We need now, and in the future, citizens-experts, thinkers and politicians who will look beyond the limited horizon of today, to inaugurate a new era in which spirit and matter will receive the same attention, and inner and social regeneration will be considered as important as intellectual advancement for individuals and nations alike.
It is in this state of balanced progress, that should invest the grass-roots efforts and leading personalities of our nations. What Edgeryders participants are telling us, is that as long as a disproportionate combination continues to be at the root of the condition of our world, we will continue to live on the edge of the precipice. The world will continue to be in turmoil. Edgeryders people are living on the edge of a different life, by pointing to balanced and healthy ways to build the future.
Mission reports along this line:
Michel Filippi, DES HOMMES ET DE NOTRE CIVILISATION, seeks to define a new model of human being, the Luminous Man, based on a real possibility of psycho-physical development in humans resting on a hitherto unsuspected activity of the cerebrospinal system. A model of Man toward understanding the nature and spirit of evolution and its ultimate goals. A physical evolution involving a constant process of #REGENERATION of the nervous system and the brain. An evolutionary #MECHANISM dormant in every human being.
Andres DaVila, TOWARD A GLOBAL MANAGERIAL INTELLIGENCE, recognizes that new levels of #CONSCIOUSNESS seem to be causing a change in attitudes. The creation of new discourses brings a new perception of reality which effects and leads to a dynamic of change and renewal. By seeking to bring out new levels of individual and collective consciousness, it will allow the creation of an improved discourse by forming more enriched personal and institutional realities. By training visionaries, Andres DaVila tells us that we enable to help change directly or indirectly by infusing new patterns. When changing a part of something, however small it is, the structure gets modified. In doing so, we help each other in our own #EVOLUTION, and that of others.
Jasmine Idun, OUTSIDE THE BOX, #IMAGINATION and #INTELLIGENCE are boosted by being open to learn new knowledge, to study and to talk with people.
Eimhin David, or Involute Conduit, EVERYWHERE THE SAME: A TRANSNATIONAL EXPERIENCE AND GLOBAL ASPIRATION, has a vision of healing which is very advanced. He understands --- and applies in his life --- the latest discoveries of quantum physics, and he can make a connection of this knowledge with the actual model of #MEDECINE and #HEALTH, and sees how it is obsolete, and should be replaced by another more appropriate approach based on recent discoveries about the nature of matter. A turning point in our present concepts of the universe as a whole will occur when the biological relationship between expanded consciousness and the brain is understood.
Bridget McKenzie, MY STORY, has a vision of being and learning which is very much in line with the development of the inner self, through #CREATIVITY and #LEARNING, away from the the incessant whirl and distractions of society, allowing herself, her husband and their daughter, to focus on who they really are and grow beautifully.
Tiago Dias Miranda, I'VE GOT A PLAN!, is resplendent of universal love. He seeks solutions to create a world of peace, letting go of the fact the authorities are locked in their hatred and violence. He clearly sees that people's deepest desire is #PEACE.
Ampat Koshy, AUTISM VILLAGE PROJECT, seeks to create a village to help autistic children and their parents to live harmoniously by accepting their neurological differences. #DIVERSITY and #DIVERSIFICATION.
John F Moore, A VISION FOR OPEN GOVERNMENT, WORLDWIDE COLLABORATION, dreams about a true worldwide #COLLABORATION. He would like to put an end to the rivalry between political parties, and create bridges of collaboration, so that governments are aligned and that borders disappear.
Nadia El-Imam, Ela, and Alessia Zabatino, WHAT IS THE VALUE OF CULTURAL PRODUCTION, allows us to question the #REMAKING the human and introduces the concept of #TRANSHUMANISM. In this mission report, there were discussions about the quest to reveal mankind's ultimate destiny.
Lyne Robichaud, GIACOMO NERI, L'AGILETÉ QUI PERMET DE MESURER L'INCONFORT DES SITUATIONS, opens a discussion about what it means to "listen". The participant Serge Meunier describes listening as "gradually becoming an easy way to embody the #SACRED." In her series of four mission reports about the Edgeryders ambassadors, Lyne describes the fact that younger generations are very adept at what is called #COOPERATION, at tending towards #UNITY, but not in opposition with others. Cooperation is essential for the healthy functioning of our society.
Lucyanna, FAMILY LIFE - A MYTH, looks at family life, and explores love, motherhood, and even #POSTGENDERISM.
Lucyanna, DEMOCRATIC UTOPIA, speaks about a society based on a model of citizen, the #CITIZEN-EXPERT (by the way, very well described as well by Alberto Cottica), which is close to what the Edgeryders project aims for. "I dream of a perfect society where all citizens take part in the decision-making process. A modern direct democracy based on new technologies."
These are just a few. I invite Edgeryders participants to help complete this list. Thoughts?
Blogue de Lyne Robichaud
30 avril 2012
25 avril 2012
Giacomo Neri, l'agilité qui permet de mesurer l'inconfort des situations
Ceci conclut ma série de 4 rapports de mission sur les ambassadeurs Edgeryders, Tiago Dias Miranda, Andrei Trubceac, Alessia Zabatino, et Giacomo Neri.
Nous avons recours à toutes sortes d'instruments de mesure. Par exemple, nous utilisons le thermomètre pour mesurer la température ambiante. Le baromètre nous permet de mesurer la pression atmosphérique. Le pèse-personne nous indique les kilos en trop ou en moins.
Cependant, il n'existe pas d'instruments pour mesurer les situations et nous donner le pouls dans nos relations avec les autres. Imaginez! Ce serait formidable d'avoir une sorte de montre qui se mettrait à s'affoler chaque fois que nous racontons des bêtises ou que nos propos sont blessants, ou encore non appropriés à un groupe-cible de personnes. Malheureusement, nous ne disposons pas encore de tels capteurs de pensées.
Il n'y a pas non plus de programme informatique ou d'application que l'on peut brancher sur la table de conférence, qui capte les émotions et les pensées des gens présents dans une salle.
C'est difficile à expliquer, mais je pense que Giacomo Neri a une sorte de baromètre interne. Il ressent les impressions que les autres vivent mais n'osent pas exprimer tout haut. Quand la pression monte et que les cerveaux se mettent à surchauffer, Giacomo émet des signaux qu'il suffit d'essayer d'interpréter, un peu comme on lirait un instrument de mesure, pour tenter de saisir quelle pourrait être la perception d'un groupe.
Par exemple, lors de la mini-conférence Edgeryders de mars à Strasbourg, Giacomo m'envoyait des gazouillis pour me signifier son inconfort. Je ressentais moi-même cet inconfort chez plusieurs personnes présentes dans la salle, mais lui l'a manifestée. D'autres n'ayant pas remarqué ce qui se passait, lui ont demandé, «Pourquoi fais-tu cela?». C'est ainsi que j'ai pris connaissance de la capacité spéciale de Giacomo, et j'ai immédiatement fait le lien avec son expérience des six dernières années, au cours desquelles il a tenté de nous avertir que le système d'éducation ne tourne pas rond, qu'il y a quelque chose qui cloche avec ce système. Giacomo a 24 ans. Depuis des années, il s'efforce d'envoyer des signaux pour faire comprendre qu'il existe un profond malaise avec le système éducationnel.
Cette capacité particulière pousse Giacomo à constamment s'adapter. Il s'appuie sur l'improvisation pour s'ajuster aux situations. Tout comme je l'ai décrit pour les trois autres ambassadeurs Edgeryders, Giacomo a développé une habilité pour une forme particulière de souplesse, qui pourrait devenir un atout majeur dans son parcours professionnel.
Je perçois l'agilité particulière de Giacomo comme une certaine forme d'intuition. Les dauphins et les baleines entendent et communiquent avec des ultrasons. Je me rends compte que des jeunes, tels que Giacomo, sont en train de développer de nouvelles habiletés, qui pourraient être très utiles en cette période de transition. Pour arriver à faire en sorte que nos systèmes et institutions parviennent effectuer une transformation organisationnelle qui soit accordée aux plus profondes aspirations de la population, nous avons besoin d'être ouverts à de nouvelles façons de faire.
Je continue de croire à la pertinence que des équipes composées de divers types d'iconoclastes pourraient parvenir à améliorer la gestion et à solutionner des problématiques. Des jeunes ayant des profils sortant de la normalité, un peu comme celui de Giacomo, pourraient servir d'instruments de lecture et de mesure des situations. Qui sait? Cela pourrait être poussé, d'ici quelques années, à tenter de lire dans la conscience collective?
J'ai lu dernièrement qu'il y a des scientifiques qui ont développé un programme qui permet de lire dans les pensées des gens, sans qu'ils ne parlent tout haut. Il y a par conséquent déjà des travaux scientifiques pointant dans cette direction. Voir «Des chercheurs capables d'entendre ce que l'on pense tout bas».
«À l'Université Berkeley en Californie, un groupe de chercheurs, Brian Pasley en tête, développe une technologie permettant de découvrir ce qu’une personne entend ou pense tout bas. La technologie en question consiste à surveiller les ondes cérébrales d’un individu. En effet, lorsqu’une personne entend une sonorité, son cerveau réagit. Cette activité cérébrale est étudiée à la loupe et les chercheurs ont constaté que chaque son correspondait à une onde cérébrale précise. Il serait ainsi possible de deviner ce qu’une personne entend ou pense rien qu’en surveillant son activité cérébrale. Le premier débouché serait de comprendre ce qu’un patient paralysé ou dans un état végétatif aurait à communiquer.»
Mais je suis persuadée que les humains peuvent parvenir aux mêmes résultats, sans l'aide d'aucune machine ni aucun programme, rien qu'en développant leur cerveau et leurs capacités intuitives.
Je souhaite sincèrement à Giacomo qu'il trouve des gens qui le verront tel qu'il est, et qui reconnaîtront sa façon bien à lui de voir le monde, et que cela l'aidera à s'épanouir et à développer ses talents particuliers. Connaissez-vous des gens comme lui? Qu'est-ce qui fait, d'après vous, qu'il possède ce talent particulier de perception accrue?
Nous avons recours à toutes sortes d'instruments de mesure. Par exemple, nous utilisons le thermomètre pour mesurer la température ambiante. Le baromètre nous permet de mesurer la pression atmosphérique. Le pèse-personne nous indique les kilos en trop ou en moins.
Cependant, il n'existe pas d'instruments pour mesurer les situations et nous donner le pouls dans nos relations avec les autres. Imaginez! Ce serait formidable d'avoir une sorte de montre qui se mettrait à s'affoler chaque fois que nous racontons des bêtises ou que nos propos sont blessants, ou encore non appropriés à un groupe-cible de personnes. Malheureusement, nous ne disposons pas encore de tels capteurs de pensées.
Il n'y a pas non plus de programme informatique ou d'application que l'on peut brancher sur la table de conférence, qui capte les émotions et les pensées des gens présents dans une salle.
C'est difficile à expliquer, mais je pense que Giacomo Neri a une sorte de baromètre interne. Il ressent les impressions que les autres vivent mais n'osent pas exprimer tout haut. Quand la pression monte et que les cerveaux se mettent à surchauffer, Giacomo émet des signaux qu'il suffit d'essayer d'interpréter, un peu comme on lirait un instrument de mesure, pour tenter de saisir quelle pourrait être la perception d'un groupe.
Par exemple, lors de la mini-conférence Edgeryders de mars à Strasbourg, Giacomo m'envoyait des gazouillis pour me signifier son inconfort. Je ressentais moi-même cet inconfort chez plusieurs personnes présentes dans la salle, mais lui l'a manifestée. D'autres n'ayant pas remarqué ce qui se passait, lui ont demandé, «Pourquoi fais-tu cela?». C'est ainsi que j'ai pris connaissance de la capacité spéciale de Giacomo, et j'ai immédiatement fait le lien avec son expérience des six dernières années, au cours desquelles il a tenté de nous avertir que le système d'éducation ne tourne pas rond, qu'il y a quelque chose qui cloche avec ce système. Giacomo a 24 ans. Depuis des années, il s'efforce d'envoyer des signaux pour faire comprendre qu'il existe un profond malaise avec le système éducationnel.
Cette capacité particulière pousse Giacomo à constamment s'adapter. Il s'appuie sur l'improvisation pour s'ajuster aux situations. Tout comme je l'ai décrit pour les trois autres ambassadeurs Edgeryders, Giacomo a développé une habilité pour une forme particulière de souplesse, qui pourrait devenir un atout majeur dans son parcours professionnel.
Je perçois l'agilité particulière de Giacomo comme une certaine forme d'intuition. Les dauphins et les baleines entendent et communiquent avec des ultrasons. Je me rends compte que des jeunes, tels que Giacomo, sont en train de développer de nouvelles habiletés, qui pourraient être très utiles en cette période de transition. Pour arriver à faire en sorte que nos systèmes et institutions parviennent effectuer une transformation organisationnelle qui soit accordée aux plus profondes aspirations de la population, nous avons besoin d'être ouverts à de nouvelles façons de faire.
Je continue de croire à la pertinence que des équipes composées de divers types d'iconoclastes pourraient parvenir à améliorer la gestion et à solutionner des problématiques. Des jeunes ayant des profils sortant de la normalité, un peu comme celui de Giacomo, pourraient servir d'instruments de lecture et de mesure des situations. Qui sait? Cela pourrait être poussé, d'ici quelques années, à tenter de lire dans la conscience collective?
J'ai lu dernièrement qu'il y a des scientifiques qui ont développé un programme qui permet de lire dans les pensées des gens, sans qu'ils ne parlent tout haut. Il y a par conséquent déjà des travaux scientifiques pointant dans cette direction. Voir «Des chercheurs capables d'entendre ce que l'on pense tout bas».
«À l'Université Berkeley en Californie, un groupe de chercheurs, Brian Pasley en tête, développe une technologie permettant de découvrir ce qu’une personne entend ou pense tout bas. La technologie en question consiste à surveiller les ondes cérébrales d’un individu. En effet, lorsqu’une personne entend une sonorité, son cerveau réagit. Cette activité cérébrale est étudiée à la loupe et les chercheurs ont constaté que chaque son correspondait à une onde cérébrale précise. Il serait ainsi possible de deviner ce qu’une personne entend ou pense rien qu’en surveillant son activité cérébrale. Le premier débouché serait de comprendre ce qu’un patient paralysé ou dans un état végétatif aurait à communiquer.»
Mais je suis persuadée que les humains peuvent parvenir aux mêmes résultats, sans l'aide d'aucune machine ni aucun programme, rien qu'en développant leur cerveau et leurs capacités intuitives.
Je souhaite sincèrement à Giacomo qu'il trouve des gens qui le verront tel qu'il est, et qui reconnaîtront sa façon bien à lui de voir le monde, et que cela l'aidera à s'épanouir et à développer ses talents particuliers. Connaissez-vous des gens comme lui? Qu'est-ce qui fait, d'après vous, qu'il possède ce talent particulier de perception accrue?
24 avril 2012
Gilda Farrell, la puissance transformatrice du regard neuf et l'art du compromis
Pour que des projets novateurs aient lieu au sein d'institutions gouvernementales, il faut d'abord que des gestionnaires aient eu le courage de les présenter et aient réussi à convaincre d'autres gestionnaires du bien fondé des leurs idées et objectifs proposés. Gilda Farrell, la chef la Division pour le développement de la cohésion sociale du Conseil de l'Europe, œuvre depuis plusieurs années au développement d’instruments conceptuels et méthodologiques pour la promotion de la cohésion sociale.
À chacune des occasions que j'ai eues de voir Gilda Farrell en action et de l'écouter parler, j'ai été séduite par son optimisme et sa façon de transmuer ce qui est perçu négativement en une image plus positive, ce qui favorise le développement et le pouvoir d'agir de collectivités.
C'est grâce à Gilda Farrell que le fabuleux projet Edgeryders existe, qui sort des sentiers battus et laisse entrevoir de nouvelles possibilités de collaboration avec les citoyens. Gilda a conçu ce projet avec l'aide d'un des meilleurs experts en collaboration ouverte, Alberto Cottica, et s'est battue pour qu'il soit financé et piloté par le Conseil de l'Europe, conjointement avec la Commission européenne. Gilda continue de se battre pour faire rayonner son projet, et pour qu'il soit accepté comme prototype modèle. À la mi-mars, le projet a été présenté lors d'une table-ronde regroupant des participants Edgeryders et des gestionnaires du Conseil de l'Europe. La vision de Gilda Farrell et d'Alberto Cottica, d'une gouvernance axée sur la participation citoyenne, est en train de se concrétiser. Tel un caillou que l'on fait ricocher contre la surface de l'eau, nous verrons bientôt les ondes de cette expérimentation se répercuter infiniment au sein du Conseil de l'Europe et ses États membres, et même au-delà des frontières européennes.
Jour après jour, Gilda pose des gestes, ajoute une nouvelle brique à la construction de sa vision. Elle s'est donné pour mission de transmuer la perception négative que les gouvernements et les entreprises se font des jeunes. En permettant aux jeunes de collaborer avec le Conseil de l'Europe, en leur offrant un espace non contrôlé et par conséquent, la liberté de s'exprimer, Gilda fait en sorte que soit récoltée l'évidence, ou une partie de la preuve justificative, que les jeunes ne sont pas du tout à l'image de ce que certains indicatifs traditionnels nous indiquent (comme le NEET).
Pour se distancer encore davantage de ces indicatifs, elle a proposé le 15 mars 2012, de se départir de l'acronyme NEET, qui porte une lourde connotation négative, et de le remplacer par SOFIR, "solution finders in search of recognition". Cela lui permettra d'ouvrir un nouvel espace, dans lequel pourraient être introduites des solutions alternatives.
Par conséquent, Gilda insuffle son intention de transmuer la perception d'une proportion de la population en nous proposant de délaisser les idées obsolètes, en introduisant dans l'espace créé par la nouveauté, la créativité et l'innovation, la possibilité que ce regard nouveau donne lieu à une nouvelle façon de composer avec ces problématiques et favorise le développement de solutions appropriées. Ceci devient possible parce qu'elle a fait le choix de laisser de côté le modèle désuet. Mais cela ne signifie pas qu'il faille ignorer pour autant les statistiques et les analyses précédentes.
L'enjeu et les défis sont titanesques, mais Gilda sait où elle s'en va. Elle mettre en place le contexte qui permettra un changement profond et durable.
Elle s'appuie sur la force transformatrice du regard neuf.
Sa force réside également dans une maîtrise de l'art du compromis.
Puisqu'elle est capable d'apercevoir que la perception des jeunes est faussée, elle arrive également à apercevoir que la perception qu'ont les citoyens des élus, décideurs et gestionnaires gouvernementaux pourrait elle aussi d'avérer erronée. Gilda nous aide à balayer nos préjugés, et nous secoue, en espérant que sera compris le potentiel de chacun. Elle nous invite à nous départir de nos vieilles lunettes pour contempler les gens sous leur véritable jour, de part et d'autre de la médaille.
Ainsi, tous les décideurs gouvernementaux ne sont pas peut-être aussi mesquins et mal intentionnés que nous pourrions l'imaginer.
Gilda nous rappelle qu'il faut verser de l'eau dans son vin et donner chance au coureur. Sans doute qu'une majorité de décideurs ne parvient pas encore à embrasser le changement. Mais il y en a qui s'efforcent de le faire, souligne-t-elle.
Feminine energy empowering evolution
In a discussion with Lucyanna about family life and gender roles, we said that equity between men and women is something that we would like to see achieved.
My model of an ideal society (experimental philosopher Michel Filippi and Edgeryders participant and I called this model the "Luminous Man") is based on the feminine energy. But that does not mean at all that women would have power over men.
The energy of life, the one that allows the human race to reproduce, fills us with love and passion, guides us (intuition): this energy is female. The same power that brings a human child into being drives it at a certain period of life to the act of procreation, and, when the time is ripe, fills it with the urge for self-awareness, as it had once filled it with erotic desire, to lead to a higher state of being.
When we really connect with this energy (which can be found in our body), we are free of ego, immoderate ambition, lust and greed for wealth. We become more ready to serve than to rule, altruistic and compassionate.
Human beings (men or women), when they awaken the feminine energy dormant in every human being develop the following traits of character:
Non-violence, truthfulness, sweetness of tongue, absence of anger, tranquillity, refraining from malicious gossip, kindness to all creatures, nonattachment to the objects of senses, mildness, abstaining from idle pursuits, sublimity, forgiveness, absence of malice and feeling of self-importance, calm, balanced.
This feminine energy leads to a perennial physical state, free of ups and downs, devoid of complexes, tensions, anxieties, neuroses, and fears, with a firm grip on the mind and body, on emotions, passions, and intractable lusts.
So you see, if we were more aware about the existence of this possibility for the human being, and if we all learned to develop its potential and process, the world would be very different from the one in which we live in now. This is how I visualize a matriarcal society, based on this feminine power, empowering humanity. How do I know that this could be a possibility for the human race?, Because there are currently many men and women in this perennial physical state. It exists. A majority of human beings could eventually evolve to show a broader and more healthy attitude toward the problem of existence, and this would change everything. The blueprint of evolution is indelibly stamped on the brain. We need only to learn how to read it in order to design our institutions and lifestyles.
My model of an ideal society (experimental philosopher Michel Filippi and Edgeryders participant and I called this model the "Luminous Man") is based on the feminine energy. But that does not mean at all that women would have power over men.
The energy of life, the one that allows the human race to reproduce, fills us with love and passion, guides us (intuition): this energy is female. The same power that brings a human child into being drives it at a certain period of life to the act of procreation, and, when the time is ripe, fills it with the urge for self-awareness, as it had once filled it with erotic desire, to lead to a higher state of being.
When we really connect with this energy (which can be found in our body), we are free of ego, immoderate ambition, lust and greed for wealth. We become more ready to serve than to rule, altruistic and compassionate.
Human beings (men or women), when they awaken the feminine energy dormant in every human being develop the following traits of character:
Non-violence, truthfulness, sweetness of tongue, absence of anger, tranquillity, refraining from malicious gossip, kindness to all creatures, nonattachment to the objects of senses, mildness, abstaining from idle pursuits, sublimity, forgiveness, absence of malice and feeling of self-importance, calm, balanced.
This feminine energy leads to a perennial physical state, free of ups and downs, devoid of complexes, tensions, anxieties, neuroses, and fears, with a firm grip on the mind and body, on emotions, passions, and intractable lusts.
So you see, if we were more aware about the existence of this possibility for the human being, and if we all learned to develop its potential and process, the world would be very different from the one in which we live in now. This is how I visualize a matriarcal society, based on this feminine power, empowering humanity. How do I know that this could be a possibility for the human race?, Because there are currently many men and women in this perennial physical state. It exists. A majority of human beings could eventually evolve to show a broader and more healthy attitude toward the problem of existence, and this would change everything. The blueprint of evolution is indelibly stamped on the brain. We need only to learn how to read it in order to design our institutions and lifestyles.
23 avril 2012
The first multilingual edition of Gov 2.0 Radio
Last week, I had the honor to co-host the first multilingual edition of Gov 2.0 Radio (
It went smoothly and I had great fun doing it.
Gov 2.0 Radio's web site says about its vision that "by being an effective, useful and respected channel, we can play a role in accelerating positive change where it's most needed."
Photo: Allison Hornery
Since 2009, I had watched the founder of Gov 2.0 Radio, Adriel Hampton, and later, co-host Allison Hornery, produce and host Gov 2.0 Radio. I faithfully and passionately covered this radio show extensively in 2009 and part of 2010. Every week, I was tweeting live about everything that was discussed at the show, both in English and French, and the following days, I blogged in French about the invited guest(s) and the issues discussed at the show. I did this for many months, hoping that the information about open government, which was produced only in English, would one day cross the barriers of languages, and reach the ears of French-speaking citizens and policy makers. I was hoping that this knowledge about open government would be understood by those who do not speak English.
I really enjoyed the collaboration with Adriel and will always remain grateful, because through him and his guests, I learned a lot about open government and the tremendous efforts of citizens and government managers to implement it. I was, after all, a chosen student, attending the School for gifted newbies of professor of Aracalm (one of Adriel's many virtual identities).
But it came to a point where my eyes would suddenty be flodded with a stream of tears, as I was hearing about all the wonderful projects and initiatives being carried elsewhere, while absolutely nothing was happening at my place. So I had to stop listening, because the pain was getting too hard to bare.
When I met Adriel Hampton in person in Edmonton, in October 2010, he gave me a boost of energy. He told me, from the height of his stature (he is two heads taller than me), "Be bold!". These two words had the effect of thunder and lightning on me. They gave me wings and the courage to propose a bold opengov project, an hybrid multilateral partnership to unify Francophonie around opengov issues.
My project has not been successful. Risk aversion took over it and I was finally told that "the project does not meet business criteria" and that "there is no solution".
But 3 weeks later, the United States and Brazil jointly launched the Open Government Partnership. More tears flowed down my cheeks, on September 20, as I watched more than 40 countries sign the opengov declaration on my computer screen, as this event was streamed live. At least, I was comforted for the relevance of the ideas proposed in the project.
In the fall of 2011, I joined the fantastic Edgeryders team of the Council of Europe. Because all the doors had been closed on me, I let others try to walk in the direction I had pointed. They created Démocratie, a we-blog, set up at the beginning of 2012 by lobbyists Jean-Francois Gauthier (in Quebec) and Cyril Lage (in France).
They organized a barcamp meeting in Paris in April 2012 (GouvCamp).
I am thankful that for months, Allison Hornery has been closely following the evolution of opengov in the Francophonie world. She was reminding me from time to time, that she was observing what was (not!) happening. When she proposed a first bilingual edition of Gov 2.0 Radio, I was totally thrilled by this proposal. It had an illuminating effect in my mind, as I immediately saw the show's influence extend its action to all people and all languages.
The first multilingual edition of Gov 2.0 Radio was an interview of Jean-François Gauthier (an Edgeryders participant) a lobbyist consultant from Loran Technologies, wrapping up the GouvCamp, which took place in Paris on April 10, 2012. Allison asked a series of questions in English, and as co-host, I repeated approximately the same questions in French. The interview conducted in French, however, was much more complete and detailed, as I had more time with the guest to go deeper and discuss, not only about Quebec and France, but the overall situation encompassing all countries of the Francophonie .
From the beginning, I believed in what Gov 2.0 Radio does, in its mission, in its influence, and its active role to identify and support change.
Now that this first multilingual edition went well, there is an opportunity to repeat this experience, and slowly build a multilingual programme, from which opengov and innovation can expand, in the long run, in all languages and all countries around the world.
If you have suggestions of non-anglophone guests, passionate activists, government officials, organization managers, innovators, thinkers, etc., building our future, please, do not hesitate to share your recommendations!
I send a big hug of gratitude to Allison and her partner from Cofluence, John Wells. Read more about Gov 2.0 Radio's plans for 2012. (P.S. The first multilingual edition has not yet been released. Stay tuned!)
It went smoothly and I had great fun doing it.
Gov 2.0 Radio's web site says about its vision that "by being an effective, useful and respected channel, we can play a role in accelerating positive change where it's most needed."

Since 2009, I had watched the founder of Gov 2.0 Radio, Adriel Hampton, and later, co-host Allison Hornery, produce and host Gov 2.0 Radio. I faithfully and passionately covered this radio show extensively in 2009 and part of 2010. Every week, I was tweeting live about everything that was discussed at the show, both in English and French, and the following days, I blogged in French about the invited guest(s) and the issues discussed at the show. I did this for many months, hoping that the information about open government, which was produced only in English, would one day cross the barriers of languages, and reach the ears of French-speaking citizens and policy makers. I was hoping that this knowledge about open government would be understood by those who do not speak English.
I really enjoyed the collaboration with Adriel and will always remain grateful, because through him and his guests, I learned a lot about open government and the tremendous efforts of citizens and government managers to implement it. I was, after all, a chosen student, attending the School for gifted newbies of professor of Aracalm (one of Adriel's many virtual identities).
But it came to a point where my eyes would suddenty be flodded with a stream of tears, as I was hearing about all the wonderful projects and initiatives being carried elsewhere, while absolutely nothing was happening at my place. So I had to stop listening, because the pain was getting too hard to bare.
When I met Adriel Hampton in person in Edmonton, in October 2010, he gave me a boost of energy. He told me, from the height of his stature (he is two heads taller than me), "Be bold!". These two words had the effect of thunder and lightning on me. They gave me wings and the courage to propose a bold opengov project, an hybrid multilateral partnership to unify Francophonie around opengov issues.
My project has not been successful. Risk aversion took over it and I was finally told that "the project does not meet business criteria" and that "there is no solution".
But 3 weeks later, the United States and Brazil jointly launched the Open Government Partnership. More tears flowed down my cheeks, on September 20, as I watched more than 40 countries sign the opengov declaration on my computer screen, as this event was streamed live. At least, I was comforted for the relevance of the ideas proposed in the project.
In the fall of 2011, I joined the fantastic Edgeryders team of the Council of Europe. Because all the doors had been closed on me, I let others try to walk in the direction I had pointed. They created Démocratie, a we-blog, set up at the beginning of 2012 by lobbyists Jean-Francois Gauthier (in Quebec) and Cyril Lage (in France).
They organized a barcamp meeting in Paris in April 2012 (GouvCamp).
I am thankful that for months, Allison Hornery has been closely following the evolution of opengov in the Francophonie world. She was reminding me from time to time, that she was observing what was (not!) happening. When she proposed a first bilingual edition of Gov 2.0 Radio, I was totally thrilled by this proposal. It had an illuminating effect in my mind, as I immediately saw the show's influence extend its action to all people and all languages.
The first multilingual edition of Gov 2.0 Radio was an interview of Jean-François Gauthier (an Edgeryders participant) a lobbyist consultant from Loran Technologies, wrapping up the GouvCamp, which took place in Paris on April 10, 2012. Allison asked a series of questions in English, and as co-host, I repeated approximately the same questions in French. The interview conducted in French, however, was much more complete and detailed, as I had more time with the guest to go deeper and discuss, not only about Quebec and France, but the overall situation encompassing all countries of the Francophonie .
From the beginning, I believed in what Gov 2.0 Radio does, in its mission, in its influence, and its active role to identify and support change.
Now that this first multilingual edition went well, there is an opportunity to repeat this experience, and slowly build a multilingual programme, from which opengov and innovation can expand, in the long run, in all languages and all countries around the world.
If you have suggestions of non-anglophone guests, passionate activists, government officials, organization managers, innovators, thinkers, etc., building our future, please, do not hesitate to share your recommendations!
I send a big hug of gratitude to Allison and her partner from Cofluence, John Wells. Read more about Gov 2.0 Radio's plans for 2012. (P.S. The first multilingual edition has not yet been released. Stay tuned!)
A central issue with which all others must have links
Uh. The mission report by Karl Guy, "What we share and how can we share?" reminds me of Nadia El Imam's discussion and her "feedback loops". We could argue endlessly, until we no longer know where to turn.
It is not easy to find ways to generate more sharing, in order to enable a larger culture of sharing.
As Karl Guy pointed out, we live in a "possession oriented thinking" society. We know that this does not combine with altruistic values, such as sharing.
Why is that?
Alberto Cottica made a good description, in "How I learned to share".
We focus on what is separate.
Everything depends this concept.
I recently read this text from Jean Staune lately, about the theory of non-separability. This deep explanation, from a scientific point of view, answers my wildest questions, and appears to me as a solution, if we want the world to stop feeling as if separated, and modify behavior to try to feel as non-separated.
It is not easy to find ways to generate more sharing, in order to enable a larger culture of sharing.
As Karl Guy pointed out, we live in a "possession oriented thinking" society. We know that this does not combine with altruistic values, such as sharing.
Why is that?
Alberto Cottica made a good description, in "How I learned to share".
You should aspire to a nice apartment for yourself and your family, in which you would share with your neighbours only the staircase. If you were more affluent, even better: you were encouraged to go for an independent house, with your own fenced garden and no sharing at all."
We focus on what is separate.
Everything depends this concept.
I recently read this text from Jean Staune lately, about the theory of non-separability. This deep explanation, from a scientific point of view, answers my wildest questions, and appears to me as a solution, if we want the world to stop feeling as if separated, and modify behavior to try to feel as non-separated.
"Beyond all the practical, psychological, social, aesthetic or moral problems, the question of the nature of nature is what has always seemed to be the central issue with which all others must have links more or less tenuous, RESULTING IN THAT THEY ULTIMATELY ALL DEPEND ON IT FOR THEIR ANSWERS. Until the discovery of non-separability, there was still hope that all the paradoxical aspects of quantum mechanics would vanish when the interpretation would be replaced by other, more complete or more subtle mechanics. I know now that it will certainly not be the case, since the non-separability has experimental evidence independent of the principles of this theory. So I know with certainty that some ancient philosophical underpinnings (intrinsic reality of the physical space-time, causality, locality) of scientific representation of the universe must be changed." (My translation. Ref)There is a pattern of life essential for mankind. There are basic factors, like sharing, which bring us closer to this pattern, and which would contribute to the harmonious progress of mankind. This may appear idealistic or even fantastic and impractical to many people. But the conclusion is unavoidable.
22 avril 2012
Le passage du virtuel au réel est l'étincelle qui inspire le changement
J'ai très hâte de participer à la rencontre Edgeryders de juin prochain, qui se déroulera à Strasbourg les 14-15 et 16-17 juin.
• Découvrez comment vous pouvez être invité(e)s en tant que citoyen expert
• Programme et info
Il est rare que des «amis virtuels» puissent être rencontrés en aussi grand nombre dans le monde réel, et cela est toujours très émouvant. Cela donne lieu à la publication de nombreux contenus, dont par exemple, des albums photos sur Flickr, des billets et des compte-rendu d'événement, et des milliers de gazouillis.
Mais surtout, les liens dans le réel consolident les relations et les amitiés créées auparavant dans le virtuel, qui peuvent ensuite se maintenir pendant de nombreuses années. Ces liens donnent lieu à une explosion d'idées et déclenchent des collaborations.
C'est l'étincelle qui déclenche un changement.
J'ai assisté à une conférence sur le gouvernement ouvert en octobre 2010 (Beyond Edmonton en Alberta, Canada), où plusieurs «amis virtuels» ont été réunis (des gens de la sphère du gouvernement ouvert et des utilisateurs du site Empire Avenue).
Passer du temps et discuter avec Adriel Hampton, entre autre, m'a donné des ailes, un incroyable boost d'énergie et d'espoir, pour entreprendre des projets par la suite. Deux mois plus tard, j'ai conçu avec John F Moore le projet Gouvernement ouvert et Francophonie (qui ressemble à l'Open Government Partnership, lancé 10 mois plus tard conjointement par les États-Unis et le Brésil).
De plus, me retrouver entourée d'amis virtuels, avec qui je partageais beaucoup de rêves, d'idées et d'affinités, fut ce qui m'a aidée à me forger une très forte identité de militante de gouvernement ouvert.
Par conséquent, je m'attends à ce qu'un phénomène semblable se reproduise, avec la conférence Edgeryders de juin à Strasbourg, mais toutefois, avec un plus grand impact et rayonnement. Déjà, je saute de joie rien qu'à l'idée de pouvoir bientôt tenir mes amis par la main, leur faire une bise, les entendre parler et discuter avec eux.
• Découvrez comment vous pouvez être invité(e)s en tant que citoyen expert
• Programme et info
Il est rare que des «amis virtuels» puissent être rencontrés en aussi grand nombre dans le monde réel, et cela est toujours très émouvant. Cela donne lieu à la publication de nombreux contenus, dont par exemple, des albums photos sur Flickr, des billets et des compte-rendu d'événement, et des milliers de gazouillis.
Mais surtout, les liens dans le réel consolident les relations et les amitiés créées auparavant dans le virtuel, qui peuvent ensuite se maintenir pendant de nombreuses années. Ces liens donnent lieu à une explosion d'idées et déclenchent des collaborations.
C'est l'étincelle qui déclenche un changement.
J'ai assisté à une conférence sur le gouvernement ouvert en octobre 2010 (Beyond Edmonton en Alberta, Canada), où plusieurs «amis virtuels» ont été réunis (des gens de la sphère du gouvernement ouvert et des utilisateurs du site Empire Avenue).
Passer du temps et discuter avec Adriel Hampton, entre autre, m'a donné des ailes, un incroyable boost d'énergie et d'espoir, pour entreprendre des projets par la suite. Deux mois plus tard, j'ai conçu avec John F Moore le projet Gouvernement ouvert et Francophonie (qui ressemble à l'Open Government Partnership, lancé 10 mois plus tard conjointement par les États-Unis et le Brésil).
De plus, me retrouver entourée d'amis virtuels, avec qui je partageais beaucoup de rêves, d'idées et d'affinités, fut ce qui m'a aidée à me forger une très forte identité de militante de gouvernement ouvert.
Par conséquent, je m'attends à ce qu'un phénomène semblable se reproduise, avec la conférence Edgeryders de juin à Strasbourg, mais toutefois, avec un plus grand impact et rayonnement. Déjà, je saute de joie rien qu'à l'idée de pouvoir bientôt tenir mes amis par la main, leur faire une bise, les entendre parler et discuter avec eux.
20 avril 2012
Metareflection, imagination, intelligence and thinking outside the box

(photo: Jasmine Idun)
Most people are caught in a dizzying whirlwind of activity. We do not hear many people talk about the need to take time for 'metareflection'. I really enjoyed reading Jasmine Idun's report 'Outside the box'.
'Metareflection is important both to understand my own way of thinking and percieving and to understand others and the way they percieve, knowledge in psychology and neuroscience, as well as archaeology, makes me understand people I meet, direct, co-create with and communicate with in everyday life,' explained Jasmine.
Alberto Cottica made a joke, and said he doesn't see any image, and would like to see it before he comments!
A couple of days ago, I believe that Alberto made a fabulous breakthrough by tapping into rather unusual topics (for an economist and open collaboration expert): 'divination and foregiveness'. See 'Storytelling, Divination, Foregiveness, My most important tools and where I picked them up'.
I am very happy to encounter on Edgeryders so many participants who are aware of higher, more elevetad possibilities for the human mind, and include this in their personal and professional journey. When I read their mission reports, my face lights up and my heart leaps of joy.
For example, Eimhin David, or Involute Conduit, has a vision of healing which is very advanced. He understands --- and applies in his life --- the latest discoveries of quantum physics, and he can make a connection of this knowledge with the actual model of medecine, and sees how it is obsolete, and should be replaced by another more appropriate approach based on recent discoveries about the nature of matter. See his post 'Everywhere the Same: A Transnational Experienc and Global Aspiration."
Andres Da Vila's mission report 'Towards a global managerial intelligence' really impressed me.
French philosopher Michel Filippi is exploring diversity, neurodiversity, and constructing models of new human being, among others, with the model of a Luminous Man (based on the possibilities of evolution of the brain and of the human race brought about by Kundalini awakening): 'Des Hommes et de notre Civilisation'.
And Bridget McKenzie has a vision of being and learning which is very much in line with the development of the inner self, through creativity, away from the the incessant whirl and distractions of society, allowing herself, her husband and their daughter, to focus on who they really are and grow beautifully. See 'My Story', and the rest of her excellent mission reports.
And there is also Tiago, resplendent of universal love. He seeks solutions to create a world of peace, letting go of the fact the authorities are locked in their hatred and violence. He clearly sees that people's deepest desire is peace. 'I've got a plan!'
There is Ampat Koshy, who seeks to create a village to help autistic children and their parents to live harmoniously by accepting their neurological differences. Autism Village Project
There is John F Moore, who dreams about a worldwide collaboration. He would like to put an end to the rivalry between political parties, and create bridges of collaboration, so that governments are aligned and that borders disappear.
These are just a few. But they give us an overview of the wisdom of youth. Imagination and intelligence, thinking outside the box, like Jasmine reminds us, is what will allow us to achieve higher visions.
I am glad that so many Edgeryders participants send this strong message: there are other concerns, to which we have paid little attention so far, which should be explored. Paying attention to them is a good first step.
(Like Jasmine, I am also interested in neuroscience. I try to build bridges with science, by getting involved with the Institute for Consciousness Research.)
Le ROI de la création artistique a-t-il déjà été calculé?
Au Québec, on sépare les deux processus de conception.
Pour le secteur des arts visuels, d'une part il y a les "artistes professionnels" reconnus au sens de la Loi comme des créateurs, et d'autre part, euh... l'autre type de conception dont Michel Filippi fait référence dans un commentaire du rapport de mission "What is the value of cultural production" ne semble pas avoir d'équivalent dans le réseau des centres d'artistes, là où il s'effectue de l'innovation sauvage. Ce ne sont pas des galeries d'art, ni des centres d'exposition, donc la production culturelle demeure à diffusion limitée, dans l'enceinte du centre d'artiste, ou alors dans le cadre d'une tournée dans plus d'un centre d'artistes. Il est probable qu'une infime proportion de cette production (je dirais même pas du tout) se rend jusqu'aux industries culturelles.
Elles émergent, les nouvelles idées pures. Il y en a des multitudes, dans ce genre de réseau.
Le financement (c'est-à-dire les politiques publiques) sont conçues de telle sorte que les projets présentés par les artistes qui recevront un soutien financier du gouvernement doivent se réaliser à l'intérieur d'une année. Il a été indiqué dans un bilan (sur l'état des arts visuels) que cela nuisait grandement à la création et à l'innovation.
Par ailleurs, les infrastructures sont quasi existantes pour la diffusion de ces idées. Donc elles sont produites, et elles existent. Mais elles risquent de s'éteindre, après avoir été éphémèrement exposées dans les centres, faute d'avoir pu être captées pour une plus large diffusion et dissémination.
Les musées diffusent d'autres types d'oeuvres de création que ce qui est généré dans le réseau des centres d'artistes.
Ces artistes doivent exercer une certaine influence sur d'autres types de créateurs. Des concepteurs de jeux vidéo, ou des designer de mode, ou des architectes, etc. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'argent investi dans ce secteur de création, les arts visuels étant le parent pauvre du budget alloué à la culture. Peut-être que des études ont eu lieu à ce sujet. Je n'ai jamais rien vu de tel. Ils ont calculé le revenu moyen des artistes, le pourcentage d'augmentation des cachets qui leur sont versés, les retombées économiques pour chaque dollar investi. Ce genre de choses. Mais à ma connaissance, il n'y a pas eu de tentative d'évaluation du véritable ROI de la création artistique (à part les retombées économiques) sur l'ensemble de la société, et par quels canaux et mécanismes cela s'effectue.
Le ministère de la Culture comporte des association régionales qui regroupent toutes les disciplines de création. Ces associations ont des sites Internet avec une page pour chaque artiste membre. Chacun des artistes doit par ailleurs de nos jours avoir construit son site Internet personnel. L'utilisation des médias sociaux gagne graduellement en popularité dans ce secteur. Mais j'imagine que cela doit avoir assez peu d'impact.
Pour le secteur des arts visuels, d'une part il y a les "artistes professionnels" reconnus au sens de la Loi comme des créateurs, et d'autre part, euh... l'autre type de conception dont Michel Filippi fait référence dans un commentaire du rapport de mission "What is the value of cultural production" ne semble pas avoir d'équivalent dans le réseau des centres d'artistes, là où il s'effectue de l'innovation sauvage. Ce ne sont pas des galeries d'art, ni des centres d'exposition, donc la production culturelle demeure à diffusion limitée, dans l'enceinte du centre d'artiste, ou alors dans le cadre d'une tournée dans plus d'un centre d'artistes. Il est probable qu'une infime proportion de cette production (je dirais même pas du tout) se rend jusqu'aux industries culturelles.
Elles émergent, les nouvelles idées pures. Il y en a des multitudes, dans ce genre de réseau.
Le financement (c'est-à-dire les politiques publiques) sont conçues de telle sorte que les projets présentés par les artistes qui recevront un soutien financier du gouvernement doivent se réaliser à l'intérieur d'une année. Il a été indiqué dans un bilan (sur l'état des arts visuels) que cela nuisait grandement à la création et à l'innovation.
Par ailleurs, les infrastructures sont quasi existantes pour la diffusion de ces idées. Donc elles sont produites, et elles existent. Mais elles risquent de s'éteindre, après avoir été éphémèrement exposées dans les centres, faute d'avoir pu être captées pour une plus large diffusion et dissémination.
Les musées diffusent d'autres types d'oeuvres de création que ce qui est généré dans le réseau des centres d'artistes.
Ces artistes doivent exercer une certaine influence sur d'autres types de créateurs. Des concepteurs de jeux vidéo, ou des designer de mode, ou des architectes, etc. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'argent investi dans ce secteur de création, les arts visuels étant le parent pauvre du budget alloué à la culture. Peut-être que des études ont eu lieu à ce sujet. Je n'ai jamais rien vu de tel. Ils ont calculé le revenu moyen des artistes, le pourcentage d'augmentation des cachets qui leur sont versés, les retombées économiques pour chaque dollar investi. Ce genre de choses. Mais à ma connaissance, il n'y a pas eu de tentative d'évaluation du véritable ROI de la création artistique (à part les retombées économiques) sur l'ensemble de la société, et par quels canaux et mécanismes cela s'effectue.
Le ministère de la Culture comporte des association régionales qui regroupent toutes les disciplines de création. Ces associations ont des sites Internet avec une page pour chaque artiste membre. Chacun des artistes doit par ailleurs de nos jours avoir construit son site Internet personnel. L'utilisation des médias sociaux gagne graduellement en popularité dans ce secteur. Mais j'imagine que cela doit avoir assez peu d'impact.
Persuation, transmutation and opengov
The big challenge now, is to have managers and officials of government institutions to sit down with citizens. Some are so locked into their way of thinking that there is no space at all for new ideas.
I believe that the challenge is more than a matter of persuasion.
Current government leaders, they might be giants in intellect on one side, but they behave like children on the other side, attaching greater value to baubles of power, wealth, office or public applause, than to principles of harmony and collaboration. The minds at the top generally lack insight to make the right use of collective intelligence. Trying to persuade them might not be enough to grant them an insightful vision, and the qualities and skills that should go with it.
There has been no period in the whole of history so full of surprises and, at the same time, so filled with man-caused calamities as the current century. I continue to hope that Man will change. And this includes individuals working for governements.
I am increasingly convinced that progress must be accompanied by a growth of the mind. We have reached a tipping point: what has shaped power beforehand, should no longer apply. In this sense, I see the challenge as not being one of persuasion, but of transmutation.
I believe that the challenge is more than a matter of persuasion.
Current government leaders, they might be giants in intellect on one side, but they behave like children on the other side, attaching greater value to baubles of power, wealth, office or public applause, than to principles of harmony and collaboration. The minds at the top generally lack insight to make the right use of collective intelligence. Trying to persuade them might not be enough to grant them an insightful vision, and the qualities and skills that should go with it.
There has been no period in the whole of history so full of surprises and, at the same time, so filled with man-caused calamities as the current century. I continue to hope that Man will change. And this includes individuals working for governements.
I am increasingly convinced that progress must be accompanied by a growth of the mind. We have reached a tipping point: what has shaped power beforehand, should no longer apply. In this sense, I see the challenge as not being one of persuasion, but of transmutation.
Real potential medecine reducer is quantum healing
Good food is good, because it allows for a good lifestyle, which in turn can lead to happiness. Cooking is good, because it allows to use creativity, share with others, live in the moment, etc.
However, the real medecine reducer potential lies not in food, but somewhere else. The solution is really very simple and is not expensive. If this solution were applied to our societies, spending on health care would be reduced to virtually zero. It is in health that government budgets are the highest, and yet there is still no overarching vision that can help people be healthier.
None of our medical interventions either get to the root cause of disease, or make a significant difference in mortality or morbidity. The concept of body-mind-spirit is slowly gaining in popularity. but has not yet been sufficiently implemented in health systems to make a difference. It is possible to free the body from ravages of disease, by bathing it in joy and happiness. It is principle of quantum healing, which means healing the body-mind from a quantum level.
Of course, good food can keep an individual healthy. However, thoughts and a harmful lifestyle are the real root for unhealthy people.
If someone eats bio food and takes extra care about what he/she eats, but has discursive thoughts all day long, and almost all year long, is filled with hate, maintains thoughts of greed and selfishness, has a heart the size of a raisin, whatever he/she puts in his/her mouth, it will not maintain health over time. A harmful lifestyle is caused by a loss of simplicity and loss of trust (disconnection from oneness). The experience of alienation, fragmentation, isolation (the experience of the separate self) ultimately leads to all the problems, like contamination of the environment, hostility towards each other, poor nutrition, and too much work. A work-oriented society, a success oriented society, in which we believe that material objects are the only source of our happiness, is preventing individuals from reaching a state of happiness.
When it comes to healing, it is unfortunate, but science doesn't have an idea yet of the role that spirit plays. Quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, the mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, the body. And this is possible by letting the spirit come into action.
When someone feels intensely happy, or ecstaty, or feels that he/she knows what needs to be known on that moment, this person is connected to spirit. There are three signs of a connection with spirit: love, you feel connected to everything, you feel an intoxication of love; second, knowing this, you feel that you know what you need to know (creativity); and the third is happiness, being happy enough to reach a state where a dormant energy gets unleashed (by the spirit). When someone feels an intoxication of love, has the intuition and creativity (because that's part of knowing this), or when feels happy, then this person is close to spirit.
When someone has these experiences in consciousness (meaning triggers the happiness process), then the body starts to secrete simultaneously serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and opiates. Serotonin and dopamine are called the 'happy hormones'. When people are depressed, they are given serotonin. Opiates are the hormones that make us feel high, sometimes when we run or exercise, or even during sexual experience. Oxytocin is the hormone which causes secretion of milk in mothers when they breastfeed a baby. Scientists have shown that oxytocin might be secreted also during sexual pleasure, in particular during orgasm. While the body is secreting the 'happy hormones', the immune system is also being regulated (ie healing is taking place at the quantum level). All cells of the body become 'happy' and therefore, someone is less inclined to contracting viruses or developing long term illness, or using medecine.
However, the real medecine reducer potential lies not in food, but somewhere else. The solution is really very simple and is not expensive. If this solution were applied to our societies, spending on health care would be reduced to virtually zero. It is in health that government budgets are the highest, and yet there is still no overarching vision that can help people be healthier.
None of our medical interventions either get to the root cause of disease, or make a significant difference in mortality or morbidity. The concept of body-mind-spirit is slowly gaining in popularity. but has not yet been sufficiently implemented in health systems to make a difference. It is possible to free the body from ravages of disease, by bathing it in joy and happiness. It is principle of quantum healing, which means healing the body-mind from a quantum level.
Of course, good food can keep an individual healthy. However, thoughts and a harmful lifestyle are the real root for unhealthy people.
If someone eats bio food and takes extra care about what he/she eats, but has discursive thoughts all day long, and almost all year long, is filled with hate, maintains thoughts of greed and selfishness, has a heart the size of a raisin, whatever he/she puts in his/her mouth, it will not maintain health over time. A harmful lifestyle is caused by a loss of simplicity and loss of trust (disconnection from oneness). The experience of alienation, fragmentation, isolation (the experience of the separate self) ultimately leads to all the problems, like contamination of the environment, hostility towards each other, poor nutrition, and too much work. A work-oriented society, a success oriented society, in which we believe that material objects are the only source of our happiness, is preventing individuals from reaching a state of happiness.
When it comes to healing, it is unfortunate, but science doesn't have an idea yet of the role that spirit plays. Quantum healing involves healing one mode of consciousness, the mind, to bring about changes in another mode of consciousness, the body. And this is possible by letting the spirit come into action.
When someone feels intensely happy, or ecstaty, or feels that he/she knows what needs to be known on that moment, this person is connected to spirit. There are three signs of a connection with spirit: love, you feel connected to everything, you feel an intoxication of love; second, knowing this, you feel that you know what you need to know (creativity); and the third is happiness, being happy enough to reach a state where a dormant energy gets unleashed (by the spirit). When someone feels an intoxication of love, has the intuition and creativity (because that's part of knowing this), or when feels happy, then this person is close to spirit.
When someone has these experiences in consciousness (meaning triggers the happiness process), then the body starts to secrete simultaneously serotonin, dopamine, oxytocin and opiates. Serotonin and dopamine are called the 'happy hormones'. When people are depressed, they are given serotonin. Opiates are the hormones that make us feel high, sometimes when we run or exercise, or even during sexual experience. Oxytocin is the hormone which causes secretion of milk in mothers when they breastfeed a baby. Scientists have shown that oxytocin might be secreted also during sexual pleasure, in particular during orgasm. While the body is secreting the 'happy hormones', the immune system is also being regulated (ie healing is taking place at the quantum level). All cells of the body become 'happy' and therefore, someone is less inclined to contracting viruses or developing long term illness, or using medecine.
La puissance des introvertis
Le «pardon» dont parle Alberto Cottica dans son rapport de mission "Storytelling, Divination, Forgiveness. My most important tools and where I picked them up", qui permet à chacun d'être tel qu'il est, m'a fait penser à cet article, 'Silence, la puissance des introvertis',
J'ai été très surprise de lire dans cet article que «la population est composée de 30% à 50% d’introvertis, qui se révèlent terriblement inefficaces dans des systèmes basés sur l’argumentation et la confrontation publique.» La moitié des gens, ça fait beaucoup de monde!
Or, la société valorise la posture extravertie.
D'après Susan Cain dans The Power of Introverts, --- the Quiet Revolution --- indique les introvertis atteignent les mêmes objectifs que les extravertis, mais en faisant cela d'une manière différente.
Des plateformes collaboratives (telles que Edgeryders) accordent un espace et une ouverture à divers types de gens, ce qui garantit un accès équitable pour que tous les participants s'expriment, c'est-à-dire fassent leur propre 'storytelling'.
J'ai été très surprise de lire dans cet article que «la population est composée de 30% à 50% d’introvertis, qui se révèlent terriblement inefficaces dans des systèmes basés sur l’argumentation et la confrontation publique.» La moitié des gens, ça fait beaucoup de monde!
Or, la société valorise la posture extravertie.
D'après Susan Cain dans The Power of Introverts, --- the Quiet Revolution --- indique les introvertis atteignent les mêmes objectifs que les extravertis, mais en faisant cela d'une manière différente.
Des plateformes collaboratives (telles que Edgeryders) accordent un espace et une ouverture à divers types de gens, ce qui garantit un accès équitable pour que tous les participants s'expriment, c'est-à-dire fassent leur propre 'storytelling'.
Survive without falling into a state of worthless existence
I put my 'Paolo Coelho' hat (as Alberto Cottica might say), or my mystic hat, to ponder the question whether the social and political systems are in accordance with the physical and biological needs of human beings. Little attention has so far been given to the fact that there must be a collective instinct governing the social and political behavior of the species, as there is in every other form of gregarious life.
I am glad that Andres da Vila raised this question, in his mission report "Towards a global managerial intelligence".
The various systems of government current today are all based on arbitrary theories and doctrines, or imitations of ancient models, without any sanction from nature and without any established connection between the instinctual requirement and the pattern in force. Whether it is democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, oligarchy or any other form of government, it is in no case the outcome of exhaustive study and experimentation on the part of an impartial, wise body of intellectuals. On the contrary, what we now have is a streaming broth of dynastic rule, arbitrary systems, vested interests, individual opinions, doctrines of revolutionaries, and concepts of politicians based entirely on the conclusions of the intellect, without any relevance of the cannons of nature or the laws of the global intelligence.
Proof is provided by the current politically chaotic situation. Democraties, dictatorships, oligarchies, military rules, etc., are all grappling with each other like a noisy group of wrestlers. Had the various forms of government been in accordance with the instinctual model or universal law, the puppt dance (which was beautifully described by Vinay Gupta. Ref "Fighting the Muppetocracy"), would not then be an unedifying feature of life today.
The insipid drama of forced laughter, sardonic smiles, jack in-the-box appearances before the media, behind-the-back intrigues, and other embellishments of the black art of politics (how often have I talked about the Shadow of Leadership?), which is now an inseparable ingredient of the political structure, would not be there to regale a disenchanted public now satiated with such performances.
We (humanity) have blundered in attaching excessive importance to the physical wants of man as compared to his spiritual needs. Our aims have been to surround mankind with every comfort, every facility, and every luxury we could think of or devise, leaving the soul out of count. And this effort continues to this hour. The human mind, imbued with the idea that success, high position, ease and comfort, abundance and affluence are the summum bonum of life with no higher aim, burrowing like an earthworm deep into the soil of ambition, greed, and lust for power. By no means can a mind set solely on this course if one becomes possessed with the idea that success and abundance are the only means by which one can win the battle of life.
It is not necessary to dwell more closely on the darker side.
This is what the Edgeryders are whispering gently to our ears.
The plan of nature is to evolve the brain in order to embellish the mind, and to confer a supersensory channel of perception on the race. I know what that plan of nature is, because I experience it in my body. I feel the force of re-birth. In Indian wisdom, the deity ruling human evolution is know as the Goddess Kundalini. It is a feminine power. (And by the way, we currently live in a patriarcal society. There is not even a gender equity between men and women. I read it will be reached some time, in approximately 150 years.)
Since the two aims collide, disaster threatnes the existing order to open way for nature's benevolent plan to materialize. This is exactly what our system is on the verge of: disaster.
What the Internet is doing, is that it has changed our perception of ourselves. We no longer perceive that we are a separate self, we perceive that we are all connected to each other with social media links. However, there exists invisible links that connect us to everything, that we are not aware of yet, there exists a global intelligence. Internet is helping us to become more aware of its existence.
Science is irresistibly coming to the conclusion that the observed phenomena of the physical world cannot be separated from the observer.
Edgeryders participants, via an Internet platform, are showing to the Council of Europe government organisation that they are focusing on other aims than attaching excessive importance to the physical wants. They talk about creating, sharing, learning, foregiving, etc, I described how it is possible to achieve a new physical state of consciousness, that occurs after the body undergoes a huge transformation in order to physically support higher states of consciousness.
Only the global intelligence has the operational software necessary to bring us to use our full capacity. A mind filled with this global intelligence will create harmony, unity, cooperation, understanding, and will become a vortex, a channel through which universal awareness can flow into this physical world.
What we can observe, at Edgeryders, is that these qualities and skills are being learned by youth, because these young people are tapping into the global intelligence, through their intuition and creativity. What the experimental Edgeryders project is showing us is that governments can learn to consciously manage the collective intelligence, by aligning their policies and projects on the laws of nature.
The crux of the matter is not only whether the human species will survive (the crazy ecological destruction we have done, or the nuclear age threat), but even more whether it can survive without falling into a state of worthless existence. Every human being is a helpless victim to a ceaseless inner deterioration situation on account of the pernicious political and social system. The world situation has assumed an urgency that no sensible human being can ignore any longer.
I am glad that Andres da Vila raised this question, in his mission report "Towards a global managerial intelligence".
The various systems of government current today are all based on arbitrary theories and doctrines, or imitations of ancient models, without any sanction from nature and without any established connection between the instinctual requirement and the pattern in force. Whether it is democracy, dictatorship, monarchy, oligarchy or any other form of government, it is in no case the outcome of exhaustive study and experimentation on the part of an impartial, wise body of intellectuals. On the contrary, what we now have is a streaming broth of dynastic rule, arbitrary systems, vested interests, individual opinions, doctrines of revolutionaries, and concepts of politicians based entirely on the conclusions of the intellect, without any relevance of the cannons of nature or the laws of the global intelligence.
Proof is provided by the current politically chaotic situation. Democraties, dictatorships, oligarchies, military rules, etc., are all grappling with each other like a noisy group of wrestlers. Had the various forms of government been in accordance with the instinctual model or universal law, the puppt dance (which was beautifully described by Vinay Gupta. Ref "Fighting the Muppetocracy"), would not then be an unedifying feature of life today.
The insipid drama of forced laughter, sardonic smiles, jack in-the-box appearances before the media, behind-the-back intrigues, and other embellishments of the black art of politics (how often have I talked about the Shadow of Leadership?), which is now an inseparable ingredient of the political structure, would not be there to regale a disenchanted public now satiated with such performances.
We (humanity) have blundered in attaching excessive importance to the physical wants of man as compared to his spiritual needs. Our aims have been to surround mankind with every comfort, every facility, and every luxury we could think of or devise, leaving the soul out of count. And this effort continues to this hour. The human mind, imbued with the idea that success, high position, ease and comfort, abundance and affluence are the summum bonum of life with no higher aim, burrowing like an earthworm deep into the soil of ambition, greed, and lust for power. By no means can a mind set solely on this course if one becomes possessed with the idea that success and abundance are the only means by which one can win the battle of life.
It is not necessary to dwell more closely on the darker side.
This is what the Edgeryders are whispering gently to our ears.
The plan of nature is to evolve the brain in order to embellish the mind, and to confer a supersensory channel of perception on the race. I know what that plan of nature is, because I experience it in my body. I feel the force of re-birth. In Indian wisdom, the deity ruling human evolution is know as the Goddess Kundalini. It is a feminine power. (And by the way, we currently live in a patriarcal society. There is not even a gender equity between men and women. I read it will be reached some time, in approximately 150 years.)
Since the two aims collide, disaster threatnes the existing order to open way for nature's benevolent plan to materialize. This is exactly what our system is on the verge of: disaster.
What the Internet is doing, is that it has changed our perception of ourselves. We no longer perceive that we are a separate self, we perceive that we are all connected to each other with social media links. However, there exists invisible links that connect us to everything, that we are not aware of yet, there exists a global intelligence. Internet is helping us to become more aware of its existence.
Science is irresistibly coming to the conclusion that the observed phenomena of the physical world cannot be separated from the observer.
Edgeryders participants, via an Internet platform, are showing to the Council of Europe government organisation that they are focusing on other aims than attaching excessive importance to the physical wants. They talk about creating, sharing, learning, foregiving, etc, I described how it is possible to achieve a new physical state of consciousness, that occurs after the body undergoes a huge transformation in order to physically support higher states of consciousness.
Only the global intelligence has the operational software necessary to bring us to use our full capacity. A mind filled with this global intelligence will create harmony, unity, cooperation, understanding, and will become a vortex, a channel through which universal awareness can flow into this physical world.
What we can observe, at Edgeryders, is that these qualities and skills are being learned by youth, because these young people are tapping into the global intelligence, through their intuition and creativity. What the experimental Edgeryders project is showing us is that governments can learn to consciously manage the collective intelligence, by aligning their policies and projects on the laws of nature.
The crux of the matter is not only whether the human species will survive (the crazy ecological destruction we have done, or the nuclear age threat), but even more whether it can survive without falling into a state of worthless existence. Every human being is a helpless victim to a ceaseless inner deterioration situation on account of the pernicious political and social system. The world situation has assumed an urgency that no sensible human being can ignore any longer.
The story of AADRAV. Only numbers mattered
Alessia Zabatino asked me to tell an old story, dating from 20 years ago. I had stored it in a drawer of my mind, almost as if it were part of another life. All this time, I have not looked back.
It feels weird, to go back in time, and observe the event of the past, which shaped a future, but with different eyes.
More than ever, I am convinced that a unique ideological thinking at the expense of diversification of ideas does not give good results. This is what the Quebec legislator has forced artists to do: to come together under one roof, ignoring ideologies and different types of aesthetics, and creative behaviors. Thus very innovative artists, an extremely dynamic network community-based, met individuals with the opposite of their sets of values. They were forced to set aside their ideologies to fit the law.
Oh, another very strange thing. I looked at my picture from 20 years ago. It is striking that I have ‘bliss happiness’ stamped in the forehead… This is me, in 1992.

Oh My, I look blissful, don't I?

In 20 years, many artists were there...
According to the "Certificate of conformity", under the provisional administrators section, can be found the names of Peter Thibodeau, Bastien Gilbert, Dominique Guillaumant and Gilles Arteau, with the mission to "Promote the dissemination of knowledge and artistic production which are among the latest research and originate primarily of regional communities of Quebec". Thus was legally born RCAAQ, the Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec, in September 29, 1986.
RCAAQ, has a reputation based on expertise of more than 20 years in contemporary art and actual art. It has become, over the years, the meeting point of a network of centers sixty artists and cultural organizations located throughout the province of Quebec, representing a community of interest of over 2250 professional artists and cultural workers. The network annually produces more than 800 activities including exhibitions, performances, publications, symposia and has a continuing education program for both cultural workers and professional artists.
The combat between AADRAV and RAAV (Regroupement des centres d'artistes du Québec), took place under Bill 78 on the Status of the Artist, while RCAAQ was lobbying to obtain a cultural policy and the creation of CALQ (Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec).
The combat has been described as "a cloud of intolerance in a puree of politeness" by Lise Lamarche (in ETC, n° 23, 1993 (ref

At the time I arrived in this community, the battle for recognition of an association of artists according to the law on the status of the artist had begun several years ago. I contacted the network of artists in 1992, when one of my artworks was censored by the Women's Center of Concordia University. I was beleaguered by journalists throughout the country, who tried to understand if my artwork was "politically correct" or not. Bastien Gilbert, the general manager of RCAAQ, gave me some advice.

Bastien Gilbert
Shortly after I met Bastien Gilbert, I was asked to pay a very high business tax by the City of Montreal, for my tiny artist's studio, which I was using both as workshop and residence. All Montreal artists have been taxed at the same time as me. It is precisely for this reason that I got involved with the RCAAQ and AADRAV, and I quickly found myself elected president of the association of artists.
Gilles Arteau, a multidisciplinary artist, was president of RCAAQ from 1991 to 1994.
I was president of AADRAV from 1993 to 1995. My stay was very short, in the cannevas of the history of Quebec visual artists.
The Commission for recognition of associations artists is an organization created in December 1989 by the Loi sur le statut professionnel des artistes des arts visuels, des métiers d'art et de la littérature et sur leurs contrats avec les diffuseurs L.R.Q., chapitre S-32.01 to designate which association or group will represent the artists in each area covered by the this Law.
In the field covered, the recognized association or group has the following functions:
1 ° to ensure the maintenance of the honor of the artistic profession and freedom of its exercise;
2 ° promote the achievement of conditions conducive to the creation and dissemination of works;
3 ° to defend and promote the economic, social, moral and professional artists;
4 ° representing professional artists whenever it is of general interest to do so.
At the arrival of the new bill, in 1989, besides RCAAQ, there was five disciplinary councils: the Council of Painting of Quebec, the Council of Sculpture of Quebec, the Council of Textile arts of Quebec, the Council of Printmaking of Quebec and the Association of Illustrators of Quebec.
In 1990, to apply for accreditation to the Commission for the recognition of artists' associations, the artists involved in the network of artist-run centers RCAAQ created AADRAV.
Meanwhile, the five disciplinary councils created RAAV (Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec).
Both groups presented an application for recognition under S-32.01.
In 1991, RAAV became an association of individuals and adopted its current name.
The Labour Relations Commission is the competent court to decide on applications for recognition under Act. The law establishes that only one association can be designated by the Commission to represent artists of Quebec. The association with the largest number of members wins the designation.
The association or group asking for recognition must apply to the Commission by writing with:
- a resolution signed by authorized representatives of the association or group;
- a certified copy of its regulations;
- the list of its members.
Here was the heart of the problem, article 11 of the Act:
11. La Commission accorde la reconnaissance à l'association ou au regroupement qui est le plus représentatif de l'ensemble des artistes professionnels oeuvrant dans un domaine.
L'association la plus représentative est celle qui, de l'avis de la Commission, groupe le plus grand nombre d'artistes professionnels du domaine visé et dont les membres sont le mieux répartis parmi le plus grand nombre de pratiques artistiques et sur la plus grande partie du territoire du Québec.
Le regroupement le plus représentatif est celui qui de l'avis de la Commission regroupe les associations les plus représentatives du plus grand nombre de pratiques artistiques du domaine.
The 5 disciplinary councils paid for an automatic subscription of their members to RAAV, while RCAAQ was asking each artist to become a member of AADRAV of its own free will. RCAAQ was not able to gather as many artists as RAAV. Not many were missing to match the number of RAAV members, but still, AADRAV had less. But it was more dynamic, since almost all innovators --- the wild creators --- were very actively engaged in the artist-run center's network, as they were creating contemporary and actual art. But they had less members than RAAV. So, no matter their value, all that matter in the face of the law, were numbers. The legislator did not care at all about the value of cultural production when it proposed Bill 78.
In 1993, the Commission granted the status to RAAV as the recognized body.
AADRAV appealed to Superior court. The application was dismissed.
The lawyer representing AADRAV died shortly after.
Two defeats in the courts. And a deceased lawyer. There was no further option other than to change the Act on the status of the artist, who had recently been adopted. Artists capitulated and had no other choice but to accept the demands of the Minister of Culture.
“We ended up two rival factions that had two very different conceptions of community life, in a context where community life in the visual arts was very dynamic, extremely active. For instance, I think about the presence of the disciplinary councils and art centers, with different views and activities. We had very different positions, but yet, we were aware that we had the desire to find solutions to improve the socioeconomic conditions of artists. The Act on the status of the artist had put us in a position of opposition. Finally, our divergence was settled in court. The Commission ruled recognition in favor of RAAV, but still we benefited from an accommodation from the Minister of Culture of the time, who wanted an environment that was supportive of all factions. Therefore, the Minister arranged for openings in the board of administrators, in order for AADRAV leaders to be integrated at RAAV.” (Gaetan Gosselin, video
Members of AADRAV gradually adhered to RAAV before dissolving their association in 1995.
A fundamental difference of attitude and expectation regarding meeting the needs of support for the structuring and supporting the profession is currently facing the Council of Sculpture at the Quebec Council of Arts and Letters. CALQ ceased to support the Council of Sculpture of Quebec, which has no more access to aid programs in operation.
In 1995, after I intensely performed lobbying for two years, the government of Quebec agreed to modify the bill on municipal taxation, which has then enabled all Quebec municipalities to create regulations to exempt artists' studios of the business taxes.
Moreover, the government also agreed to reimburse retroactively visual artists who paid business taxes between 1993 to 1995. The sum amounted to over half a million dollars.
RAAV had not made any efforts to amend the law on municipal taxation and to recognize the artists' studios. I spent two full years of my life to this cause. I attended weekly night meetings of the council of the city of Montreal, I intervened in a parliamentary committee of the National Assembly, I wrote hundreds of letters, I even built a model of an artist's studio for each of the 51 councilors. I met a hundred councilors and members of parliament.
The half million dollars was awarded to RAAV, and I had no role in its management. Totally disgusted, I left the cultural milieu, and I have not done another visual artwork since 1995. I saw no future as a visual artist.
With bill 78 on the status of visual artists, the government of Quebec tried to squarely rule arts practice in Quebec and thus created a real diversion from the real problem. The concerns of the artists are not confined solely to terms of contracts, a market of cultural products or exemplary management career.
The art scene reproduced on another scale, the same phenomenon we often see across political parties or another, a clan or another, where roosters squabble while the other, the voters, or in this case the artists, continue to be indifferent to what goes on (or not).
But the government is not solely responsible for the problems faced by the visual artists. The lack of social involvement and indifference: even artists have a rightful responsibility to take part in democratic life. With the death of AADRAV, the art scene really hit the extreme, the bottom of the bottom. AADRAV died for lack of combatants. And meanwhile, nearly 20 years later, it is still difficult to obtain a deep dialogue between artists and the government about art, or its practice, or its content.
“I keep a pretty good memory of the vitality of the team (from 20 years ago). I still remember it with nostalgia, as it is now in a context where it is less easy, with the new means of communication, and the rise of ideological tendencies from the Right, or more individualistic views.
If I had a message for the next generation (not necessarily the youth), I would say that you should take action. Do not think too long before doing something, to defend the issues that are tapered around artistic creation. I believe in the constructive value of collective action because it helps break the loneliness of artists who are sometimes quite alone in their studios, in favor of a concerted effort affecting the future, which helps develop a vision of the future. Sometimes governments think that there are too many artists associations, but there aren’t. These associations have a rightful mission to carry.”, concluded Gaetan Gosselin.
Meanwhile, political parties in Quebec get multiplied like mushrooms: the Liberal party, the Parti Quebecois, the Democratic Action of Quebec, Quebec solidarity, and the Coalition for the future of Quebec, not to mention more minor parties. Citizens should demand that all these parties rally behind a single political ideology, and the one with the most members gets to be in power... just to see what they would do. #justsaying!
It feels weird, to go back in time, and observe the event of the past, which shaped a future, but with different eyes.
More than ever, I am convinced that a unique ideological thinking at the expense of diversification of ideas does not give good results. This is what the Quebec legislator has forced artists to do: to come together under one roof, ignoring ideologies and different types of aesthetics, and creative behaviors. Thus very innovative artists, an extremely dynamic network community-based, met individuals with the opposite of their sets of values. They were forced to set aside their ideologies to fit the law.
Oh, another very strange thing. I looked at my picture from 20 years ago. It is striking that I have ‘bliss happiness’ stamped in the forehead… This is me, in 1992.

Oh My, I look blissful, don't I?

In 20 years, many artists were there...
Gilles Arteau, Anita Petitclerc, Reine Boutat, Marie Fraser, Isabelle Bernier, Denis Dallaire, Francesca Penserini, Carole Brouillette, Claire Paquet, Suzanne Paquet, Guylaine Gariépy, Luce Pelletier, Bastien Gilbert, Brigitte Levasseur, Lucie Robert, Lesley Johnstone, Francine Périnet, Angela Grauerholz, Anne Ramsden, Marcel Blouin, François Lachapelle, Linda Bellemare, Bernard Bilodeau, Su Schnee, Cheryl Sim, Pierre Robitaille, Marie Perrault, Lyne Robichaud, Claire Gravel, Sylvie Fortin, Lisanne Nadeau, Marie-Josée Coulombe, François Vallée, Gilles Tibodeau, Dominique Guillaumant, Réjean Perron, Sylvie Raymond, Maria Masino, Pascale Lussier, Micheline Joemets, Céline Lapointe, Danyèle Alain, Yves Gendreau, Julie C. Paradis, Carole Painchaud, Michel Lefebvre, Eva Quintas, François Dion, Catherine Bodmer, Catherine Cahill, Jessica MacCormack, Maria Chronopoulos, Yolaine Lefebvre, Suzanne Cloutier, Lucie Beaulieu, Laurent Bélanger, Christiane Desjardins, Sophie Morin, Pierre Allard, Annie Roy, Marie-France Thérien, Jocelyn Robert, Diane Génier, Jean-Pierre Latour, Robert Cloutier, Jeane Fabb, Daniel Poulin, Marianne Coineau, Suzanne St-Denis, Aneessa Hashmi, Roxanne Arsenault, Christine Redfern, Mathieu Beauséjour, Isabelle Riendeau, Catherine Bolduc, Benoit Bourdeau, Yan Giguère, Kym Brennan, Valérie St-Pierre, Céline Allard, Guylaine Langlois, Anne Bertrand, Louis Fortier, Johanne Huot, Daniel Roy, Sylvie Cotton, Ghislaine Charest, Thomas Grondin, Marie-France Beaudoin, Benoint Pontbriand, Maurice Achard, Normand Yergeau, Élisabeth Picard, Virginie Daigle, Jean Mailloux, Marie Lavorel, Normand Rivest, François Bélanger, Marianne Thibeault, Jean-Pierre Caissie, Manon Quintal, France Choinière, Marie-Orphée Duval, Jennifer Campbell, Christine Boudreau, Stéphanie l'Heureux, Sophie Casson, Christine Martel, Arianne Gélinas, Véronique Doucet, Mathieu Dumont, Bill Vincent, Louise Sansfaçon, Geneviève Desmeules, François Wells, Alice Létourneau, Jimmy Boudreault, Jean-Marc Roy, Franck Michel, Nathalie Lafortune, Marthe Carrier, Jean-Émile Verdier, Mathilde Géromin, Chantal Poirier, Martin Champagne, Édith Martin, Chantale Brulotte, Jocelyne Fortin, Alayn Ouellet, Agnes Tremblay, Richard Martel, Nathalie Perreault, Christine Gauthier, Daniel Dion, Lili Michaud, Caroline Flibotte, Alain Fortier, Claude Bélanger, Carlos Ste-Marie, Marie-Josée Lafortune, Dagmara Stephan, Marc Dulude, Claude Forget, Claude Fortin, Jason Arsenault, Geneviève Matteau, Émile Morin, Caroline Ross, Shirley Ouellet, Viviane Paradis, Ginette Saint-Amant, Nicolas Pitre, Gilles Sénéchal. Caroline Martel, Marie-Christiane Mathieu, Stéphanie Lagueux, Martine Beaurivage, Marie-Dominique Bonmariage, Bernard Claret, Sylvie Roy, Michel Des Jardins, Marie-Josée Jean, Pierre Blache, Carl Johnson, Claudine Roger, André Gilbert, Ève Cadieux, André Barrette, Rodrigue Bélanger, Anne-Marie Ninacs, Gilles Prince, Claire Lemay, Gaëtan Gosselin, Jean-Yves Vigneau, Annie Gauthier, Hélène Pelletier, Josée Bernard, Pierre Beaudoin, Alice Létourneau, Hélène Doyon, Jean-Pierre Demers, Sylvain Miousse, Cécile Bouchard, Diane Maltais, Carole Baillargeon, Jean-Pierre Bédard, Fabienne Bilodeau, Raymonde April, André Martin, Mona Desgagné, Jocelyn Fiset, Philippe Côté, Roger Marchand, Robert Proulx, Sylvie Savard, Yves O'Reilly, Danielle Léger, Marie Côté, Claude Brault, Jean-Philippe Bolduc, Pierre-François Ouellet, Jean-Pierre Aubé. Skawenatti Tricia Fragnito, Andrew Forster, Lise Boileau, Bernard Schaller, Louise Trépanier, Luc St-Jacques, Joanne Bérubé, Nathalie Garneau, Lucie Baillargeon, Lucien Frenette, Gérald Ouellet, Madeleine Doré, Manon Guérin, Doreen Lindsay, Karen Wong, Lise Gagnon, Robert Faguy, Marie-Lucie Crépeau, Alain Bélanger, Daniel Campeau, Emmanuel Galland, Daniel Béland, Louis Jacob, Johanne Gagnon, Elaine Frigon, Manon B. Thibault, Katherine Bouchard, Anne-Marie Belley, Alain Vaugier, Annie Thibault, Cécile Bouchard, Yvan Pageau, Richard Baillargeon, Yves Doyon, Line Bellavance, Réjean Côté, Marie-Josée Dauphinais, Rosalie Graveline, Diane Charland, Sylvie Tourangeau, Hélène Bellemare, Sonia Pelletier, Lise Boileau, Jacques Charbonneau, Lucie Gagnon, Manon Guérin, Brigitte Lacasse, Joanne Balcean, Nell Tenhaff, Carole Beaulieu, Patrick Mailloux, Carl Trahan, Manon De Pauw, Tanya Mars, Jean-Pierre Harvey, André Barrette, Gilbert Langlois,, Jean Laliberté, Michel Gaboury, Lise Marcoux, Carl Bouchard, Martin Dufrasne, Jacques Marchand, Dena Davida, Lise Gagnon, Pierre Thibodeau, Suzanne Joly, Suzanne Valotaire, Jean-Pierre Kohler ... and a few others...
According to the "Certificate of conformity", under the provisional administrators section, can be found the names of Peter Thibodeau, Bastien Gilbert, Dominique Guillaumant and Gilles Arteau, with the mission to "Promote the dissemination of knowledge and artistic production which are among the latest research and originate primarily of regional communities of Quebec". Thus was legally born RCAAQ, the Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec, in September 29, 1986.
RCAAQ, has a reputation based on expertise of more than 20 years in contemporary art and actual art. It has become, over the years, the meeting point of a network of centers sixty artists and cultural organizations located throughout the province of Quebec, representing a community of interest of over 2250 professional artists and cultural workers. The network annually produces more than 800 activities including exhibitions, performances, publications, symposia and has a continuing education program for both cultural workers and professional artists.
The combat between AADRAV and RAAV (Regroupement des centres d'artistes du Québec), took place under Bill 78 on the Status of the Artist, while RCAAQ was lobbying to obtain a cultural policy and the creation of CALQ (Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec).
The combat has been described as "a cloud of intolerance in a puree of politeness" by Lise Lamarche (in ETC, n° 23, 1993 (ref

At the time I arrived in this community, the battle for recognition of an association of artists according to the law on the status of the artist had begun several years ago. I contacted the network of artists in 1992, when one of my artworks was censored by the Women's Center of Concordia University. I was beleaguered by journalists throughout the country, who tried to understand if my artwork was "politically correct" or not. Bastien Gilbert, the general manager of RCAAQ, gave me some advice.

Bastien Gilbert
Shortly after I met Bastien Gilbert, I was asked to pay a very high business tax by the City of Montreal, for my tiny artist's studio, which I was using both as workshop and residence. All Montreal artists have been taxed at the same time as me. It is precisely for this reason that I got involved with the RCAAQ and AADRAV, and I quickly found myself elected president of the association of artists.
Gilles Arteau, a multidisciplinary artist, was president of RCAAQ from 1991 to 1994.
I was president of AADRAV from 1993 to 1995. My stay was very short, in the cannevas of the history of Quebec visual artists.
The Commission for recognition of associations artists is an organization created in December 1989 by the Loi sur le statut professionnel des artistes des arts visuels, des métiers d'art et de la littérature et sur leurs contrats avec les diffuseurs L.R.Q., chapitre S-32.01 to designate which association or group will represent the artists in each area covered by the this Law.
In the field covered, the recognized association or group has the following functions:
1 ° to ensure the maintenance of the honor of the artistic profession and freedom of its exercise;
2 ° promote the achievement of conditions conducive to the creation and dissemination of works;
3 ° to defend and promote the economic, social, moral and professional artists;
4 ° representing professional artists whenever it is of general interest to do so.
At the arrival of the new bill, in 1989, besides RCAAQ, there was five disciplinary councils: the Council of Painting of Quebec, the Council of Sculpture of Quebec, the Council of Textile arts of Quebec, the Council of Printmaking of Quebec and the Association of Illustrators of Quebec.
In 1990, to apply for accreditation to the Commission for the recognition of artists' associations, the artists involved in the network of artist-run centers RCAAQ created AADRAV.
Meanwhile, the five disciplinary councils created RAAV (Regroupement des centres d'artistes autogérés du Québec).
Both groups presented an application for recognition under S-32.01.
In 1991, RAAV became an association of individuals and adopted its current name.
The Labour Relations Commission is the competent court to decide on applications for recognition under Act. The law establishes that only one association can be designated by the Commission to represent artists of Quebec. The association with the largest number of members wins the designation.
The association or group asking for recognition must apply to the Commission by writing with:
- a resolution signed by authorized representatives of the association or group;
- a certified copy of its regulations;
- the list of its members.
Here was the heart of the problem, article 11 of the Act:
11. La Commission accorde la reconnaissance à l'association ou au regroupement qui est le plus représentatif de l'ensemble des artistes professionnels oeuvrant dans un domaine.
L'association la plus représentative est celle qui, de l'avis de la Commission, groupe le plus grand nombre d'artistes professionnels du domaine visé et dont les membres sont le mieux répartis parmi le plus grand nombre de pratiques artistiques et sur la plus grande partie du territoire du Québec.
Le regroupement le plus représentatif est celui qui de l'avis de la Commission regroupe les associations les plus représentatives du plus grand nombre de pratiques artistiques du domaine.
The 5 disciplinary councils paid for an automatic subscription of their members to RAAV, while RCAAQ was asking each artist to become a member of AADRAV of its own free will. RCAAQ was not able to gather as many artists as RAAV. Not many were missing to match the number of RAAV members, but still, AADRAV had less. But it was more dynamic, since almost all innovators --- the wild creators --- were very actively engaged in the artist-run center's network, as they were creating contemporary and actual art. But they had less members than RAAV. So, no matter their value, all that matter in the face of the law, were numbers. The legislator did not care at all about the value of cultural production when it proposed Bill 78.
In 1993, the Commission granted the status to RAAV as the recognized body.
AADRAV appealed to Superior court. The application was dismissed.
The lawyer representing AADRAV died shortly after.
Two defeats in the courts. And a deceased lawyer. There was no further option other than to change the Act on the status of the artist, who had recently been adopted. Artists capitulated and had no other choice but to accept the demands of the Minister of Culture.
“We ended up two rival factions that had two very different conceptions of community life, in a context where community life in the visual arts was very dynamic, extremely active. For instance, I think about the presence of the disciplinary councils and art centers, with different views and activities. We had very different positions, but yet, we were aware that we had the desire to find solutions to improve the socioeconomic conditions of artists. The Act on the status of the artist had put us in a position of opposition. Finally, our divergence was settled in court. The Commission ruled recognition in favor of RAAV, but still we benefited from an accommodation from the Minister of Culture of the time, who wanted an environment that was supportive of all factions. Therefore, the Minister arranged for openings in the board of administrators, in order for AADRAV leaders to be integrated at RAAV.” (Gaetan Gosselin, video
Members of AADRAV gradually adhered to RAAV before dissolving their association in 1995.
A fundamental difference of attitude and expectation regarding meeting the needs of support for the structuring and supporting the profession is currently facing the Council of Sculpture at the Quebec Council of Arts and Letters. CALQ ceased to support the Council of Sculpture of Quebec, which has no more access to aid programs in operation.
In 1995, after I intensely performed lobbying for two years, the government of Quebec agreed to modify the bill on municipal taxation, which has then enabled all Quebec municipalities to create regulations to exempt artists' studios of the business taxes.
Moreover, the government also agreed to reimburse retroactively visual artists who paid business taxes between 1993 to 1995. The sum amounted to over half a million dollars.
RAAV had not made any efforts to amend the law on municipal taxation and to recognize the artists' studios. I spent two full years of my life to this cause. I attended weekly night meetings of the council of the city of Montreal, I intervened in a parliamentary committee of the National Assembly, I wrote hundreds of letters, I even built a model of an artist's studio for each of the 51 councilors. I met a hundred councilors and members of parliament.
The half million dollars was awarded to RAAV, and I had no role in its management. Totally disgusted, I left the cultural milieu, and I have not done another visual artwork since 1995. I saw no future as a visual artist.
With bill 78 on the status of visual artists, the government of Quebec tried to squarely rule arts practice in Quebec and thus created a real diversion from the real problem. The concerns of the artists are not confined solely to terms of contracts, a market of cultural products or exemplary management career.
The art scene reproduced on another scale, the same phenomenon we often see across political parties or another, a clan or another, where roosters squabble while the other, the voters, or in this case the artists, continue to be indifferent to what goes on (or not).
But the government is not solely responsible for the problems faced by the visual artists. The lack of social involvement and indifference: even artists have a rightful responsibility to take part in democratic life. With the death of AADRAV, the art scene really hit the extreme, the bottom of the bottom. AADRAV died for lack of combatants. And meanwhile, nearly 20 years later, it is still difficult to obtain a deep dialogue between artists and the government about art, or its practice, or its content.
“I keep a pretty good memory of the vitality of the team (from 20 years ago). I still remember it with nostalgia, as it is now in a context where it is less easy, with the new means of communication, and the rise of ideological tendencies from the Right, or more individualistic views.
If I had a message for the next generation (not necessarily the youth), I would say that you should take action. Do not think too long before doing something, to defend the issues that are tapered around artistic creation. I believe in the constructive value of collective action because it helps break the loneliness of artists who are sometimes quite alone in their studios, in favor of a concerted effort affecting the future, which helps develop a vision of the future. Sometimes governments think that there are too many artists associations, but there aren’t. These associations have a rightful mission to carry.”, concluded Gaetan Gosselin.
Meanwhile, political parties in Quebec get multiplied like mushrooms: the Liberal party, the Parti Quebecois, the Democratic Action of Quebec, Quebec solidarity, and the Coalition for the future of Quebec, not to mention more minor parties. Citizens should demand that all these parties rally behind a single political ideology, and the one with the most members gets to be in power... just to see what they would do. #justsaying!
Au bord de la destruction. Augmentation de la démence
Certains individus peuvent voir dans le futur, une aptitude essentielle pour la survie de notre espèce à l'ère nucléaire. Cela permettrait à l'humanité de se déjouer des pièges qui ont le potentiel de la conduire tout droit à la catastrophe.
Aucune semaine ne passe sans que nous n'apprenions pas la nouvelle d'une autre grave crise, souvent causée par des erreurs commises par les dirigeants politiques. Bien qu'ils tentent de considérer tous les facteurs et qu'ils s'efforcent de peser les conséquences de chacune de leurs alternatives, les événements s'ensuivent prouvent que leur jugement était souvent mauvais, parce que c'est seulement la lumière intérieure qui peut guider le monde en toute sécurité à travers les menaces de destruction.
Ce canal, cependant, n'est pas destiné à prédire la montée ou la chute des marchés boursiers ou pour d'autres raisons banales. Ce canal est destiné à guider la course de l'humanité. C'est pourquoi celles et ceux qui se sont éveillés à ce pouvoir --- d'une manière saine --- deviennent presque immédiatement plus préoccupés par le bien-être de l'humanité que de leurs désirs personnels et leurs propres problèmes.
Si la menace de destruction par l'armement nucléaire ne vous est pas suffisante comme preuve de dégénérescence de notre race, j'ai appris cette semaine que l'Organisation mondiale de la santé prévoit trois fois plus de cas de démence d'ici 2050. À défaut d'avoir un individu fou qui appuiera sur le bouton du nucléaire et s'appropriera ainsi le pouvoir de destruction, nous sombrons graduellement dans la démence.
«Avec plus de 115 millions de cas attendus de démence (un syndrome - affectant de manière généralement chronique, la mémoire et le raisonnement, le comportement et l’aptitude à réaliser des tâches quotidiennes) à l’horizon d'ici 2050 selon un récent rapport de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, ces cas sont en passe de devenir un véritable fléau. Or le problème dans bien des pays, est encore trop souvent négligé souligne l’OMS. Seuls huit pays possèdent un programme national de lutte contre la démence.» (ref, Trois fois plus de cas de démence d'ici 2050).
Seulement quatre pays européens se sont dotés d'un tel plan: France, Norvège, Pays-Bas et Royaume-Uni.
Aucune semaine ne passe sans que nous n'apprenions pas la nouvelle d'une autre grave crise, souvent causée par des erreurs commises par les dirigeants politiques. Bien qu'ils tentent de considérer tous les facteurs et qu'ils s'efforcent de peser les conséquences de chacune de leurs alternatives, les événements s'ensuivent prouvent que leur jugement était souvent mauvais, parce que c'est seulement la lumière intérieure qui peut guider le monde en toute sécurité à travers les menaces de destruction.
Ce canal, cependant, n'est pas destiné à prédire la montée ou la chute des marchés boursiers ou pour d'autres raisons banales. Ce canal est destiné à guider la course de l'humanité. C'est pourquoi celles et ceux qui se sont éveillés à ce pouvoir --- d'une manière saine --- deviennent presque immédiatement plus préoccupés par le bien-être de l'humanité que de leurs désirs personnels et leurs propres problèmes.
Si la menace de destruction par l'armement nucléaire ne vous est pas suffisante comme preuve de dégénérescence de notre race, j'ai appris cette semaine que l'Organisation mondiale de la santé prévoit trois fois plus de cas de démence d'ici 2050. À défaut d'avoir un individu fou qui appuiera sur le bouton du nucléaire et s'appropriera ainsi le pouvoir de destruction, nous sombrons graduellement dans la démence.
«Avec plus de 115 millions de cas attendus de démence (un syndrome - affectant de manière généralement chronique, la mémoire et le raisonnement, le comportement et l’aptitude à réaliser des tâches quotidiennes) à l’horizon d'ici 2050 selon un récent rapport de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, ces cas sont en passe de devenir un véritable fléau. Or le problème dans bien des pays, est encore trop souvent négligé souligne l’OMS. Seuls huit pays possèdent un programme national de lutte contre la démence.» (ref, Trois fois plus de cas de démence d'ici 2050).
Seulement quatre pays européens se sont dotés d'un tel plan: France, Norvège, Pays-Bas et Royaume-Uni.
race humaine
19 avril 2012
Attribut: Bonheur | Modèle Homme Lumineux
BONHEUR - Le bonheur, constatable par tous les hommes normaux, est un état durable de plénitude et de satisfaction, et actuellement ressenti par d’innombrables individus. Il procure un état agréable et équilibré de l’esprit et du corps. Le bonheur est l'aboutissement d'une construction, qui ne saurait être confondu avec une joie passagère. Il chasse la souffrance, le stress, l’inquiétude et le trouble. Tout le monde cherche à être heureux, il s’agit d’un désir naturel motivant les actions de tous les hommes.
Selon Épicure, «il est impossible d'être heureux sans être sage».
BÉATITUDE - Dans le cas de l’Homme Lumineux, le bonheur ne survient pas de la satisfaction de toutes les inclinaisons, mais plutôt en raison d’une transformation et d’un processus physique qui assure la mise en place d’un état permanent et irréversible de béatitude. L’état de bonheur «facile» de satisfaction totale, invoqué par Épicure, existe véritablement à la suite du déclenchement de l’éveil Kundalini, et par conséquent est un attribut constatable chez les individus faisant cette expérience.
PERCEPTION MODIFIÉE DE LA RÉALITÉ - Au bout de quelques années après l’éveil de l’énergie Kundalini dans le corps, il survient un état de béatitude accrue, où les objets apparaissent comme enveloppés dans un halo laiteux, et que l’existence sur terre prend des allures de paradis. «Je me suis rendu compte que chaque panorama de la nature était revêtu d'une beauté que je n'avais jamais remarqué auparavant. Chaque paysage ou une scène que j'ai observais, chaque objet, je voyais était baigné dans un éclat laiteux qui m'enchantait. Et je pouvais à peine détourner mes yeux de cet enchantement, tellement le spectacle était fascinant.», a indiqué Gopi Krishna.
Le processus Kundalini opère, au bout d’une période de plusieurs années, une lente transformation d’éléments constitutifs de la personnalité, qui aboutit finalement à un état de radiance interne. Cela finit par altérer la perception du monde extérieur. Gopi Krishna explique, «Après près de douze années d'incertitude et de suspense, je me suis trouvé bien établi dans un nouvel état de perception, résultant d'une transformation biologique continue, qui s'était produite pendant la longue période au cours de laquelle, dans mon ignorance, je ne pouvais comprendre, sans queue ni tête, l’ensemble de ce potentiel extraordinaire dans le corps humain, étant donné qu’il est encore entouré de mystère.»
Le cerveau possèderait donc un potentiel inconnu de la science, qui peut changer radicalement la personnalité d'un être humain, lui conférant un sentiment croissant de la paix intérieure et de détachement du monde, allant jusqu’à l’enchantement permanent et l’altération de la perception du Réel.
Actuellement, en absence d’instruments de mesure scientifique, pour celles et ceux qui ont ces expériences, la seule façon correcte de les évaluer et de mesurer la possibilité de leur succès, est de constater à quel point leur pensée et leur comportement ont changé pour le mieux, et dans quelles mesures ils ont acquis une force intérieure et de caractère, comparativement à ce qu’elles/ils étaient par le passé.
EFFETS – Les effets physiques qui permettent de ressentir la béatitude et une perception modifiée de la réalité sont:
• sensations de l'énergie qui monte jusqu'à la colonne vertébrale ou à travers le corps, se précipite en lumière, énergie ou chaleur;
• perception de lumières inhabituelles ou d'étincelles, luminosité omniprésente, le renforcement de la perception visuelle;
• perception de sons intérieurs, tels que le bourdonnement des abeilles, colibris, le grondement sourd des chutes d'eau éloignées, «la musique des sphères», etc. (non liée à des problèmes d'oreille interne).
MÉCANISME - Le développement de cette sensation de béatitude et d’expansion de la conscience est rendu possible par les pouvoirs sexuels contenus dans le Kundalini.
L’éveil déclenche un processus d’évolution de l'organe de la conscience, qui peut être décrit en termes physiques, mais dont la science ne connait encore à peu près rien à propos d’une telle évolution.
Je tenterai de décrire ce processus physique dans un prochain billet.
Selon Épicure, «il est impossible d'être heureux sans être sage».
BÉATITUDE - Dans le cas de l’Homme Lumineux, le bonheur ne survient pas de la satisfaction de toutes les inclinaisons, mais plutôt en raison d’une transformation et d’un processus physique qui assure la mise en place d’un état permanent et irréversible de béatitude. L’état de bonheur «facile» de satisfaction totale, invoqué par Épicure, existe véritablement à la suite du déclenchement de l’éveil Kundalini, et par conséquent est un attribut constatable chez les individus faisant cette expérience.
PERCEPTION MODIFIÉE DE LA RÉALITÉ - Au bout de quelques années après l’éveil de l’énergie Kundalini dans le corps, il survient un état de béatitude accrue, où les objets apparaissent comme enveloppés dans un halo laiteux, et que l’existence sur terre prend des allures de paradis. «Je me suis rendu compte que chaque panorama de la nature était revêtu d'une beauté que je n'avais jamais remarqué auparavant. Chaque paysage ou une scène que j'ai observais, chaque objet, je voyais était baigné dans un éclat laiteux qui m'enchantait. Et je pouvais à peine détourner mes yeux de cet enchantement, tellement le spectacle était fascinant.», a indiqué Gopi Krishna.
Le processus Kundalini opère, au bout d’une période de plusieurs années, une lente transformation d’éléments constitutifs de la personnalité, qui aboutit finalement à un état de radiance interne. Cela finit par altérer la perception du monde extérieur. Gopi Krishna explique, «Après près de douze années d'incertitude et de suspense, je me suis trouvé bien établi dans un nouvel état de perception, résultant d'une transformation biologique continue, qui s'était produite pendant la longue période au cours de laquelle, dans mon ignorance, je ne pouvais comprendre, sans queue ni tête, l’ensemble de ce potentiel extraordinaire dans le corps humain, étant donné qu’il est encore entouré de mystère.»
Le cerveau possèderait donc un potentiel inconnu de la science, qui peut changer radicalement la personnalité d'un être humain, lui conférant un sentiment croissant de la paix intérieure et de détachement du monde, allant jusqu’à l’enchantement permanent et l’altération de la perception du Réel.
Actuellement, en absence d’instruments de mesure scientifique, pour celles et ceux qui ont ces expériences, la seule façon correcte de les évaluer et de mesurer la possibilité de leur succès, est de constater à quel point leur pensée et leur comportement ont changé pour le mieux, et dans quelles mesures ils ont acquis une force intérieure et de caractère, comparativement à ce qu’elles/ils étaient par le passé.
EFFETS – Les effets physiques qui permettent de ressentir la béatitude et une perception modifiée de la réalité sont:
• sensations de l'énergie qui monte jusqu'à la colonne vertébrale ou à travers le corps, se précipite en lumière, énergie ou chaleur;
• perception de lumières inhabituelles ou d'étincelles, luminosité omniprésente, le renforcement de la perception visuelle;
• perception de sons intérieurs, tels que le bourdonnement des abeilles, colibris, le grondement sourd des chutes d'eau éloignées, «la musique des sphères», etc. (non liée à des problèmes d'oreille interne).
MÉCANISME - Le développement de cette sensation de béatitude et d’expansion de la conscience est rendu possible par les pouvoirs sexuels contenus dans le Kundalini.
L’éveil déclenche un processus d’évolution de l'organe de la conscience, qui peut être décrit en termes physiques, mais dont la science ne connait encore à peu près rien à propos d’une telle évolution.
Je tenterai de décrire ce processus physique dans un prochain billet.
La théorie de Itzhak Bentov sur les champs magnétiques

J'ai découvert récemment que vers la fin de son existence, l'ingénieur Itzhak Bentov a étudié le Kundalini dans une perspective d'ingénierie. Selon Bentov (en 1990), l'oscillation de 7,5 Hz du rythme muscle cardiaque induit des fréquences Hz mécaniques dans le cerveau, qui à son tour créent un équivalent de relance d'une boucle de courant. Les terminaisons nerveuses dans cette boucle correspondraient à la voie par laquelle le Kundalini s'élève dans le système nerveux.
Ce courant polariserait la partie du cerveau à travers laquelle il coulerait d'une façon homogène et efficace, libérant ainsi d'énormes quantités de stress de l'organisme. Le corps se comporterait ensuite comme une antenne de la fréquence 7,5 Hz, qui serait l'une des fréquences de résonance de l'ionosphère. En d'autres termes, cela permettrait alors de recueillir de l'information qui se trouve "dans les airs". Cela pourrait expliquer des descriptions répétées de sens aiguisés, comme le résultat de la hausse de l'énergie Kundalini dans le corps humain.
Bentov a suggéré que les champs magnétiques autour de la tête pourraient permettre à un être humain de s'orienter par rapport à des fluctuations électromagnétiques planétaires et solaires d'une manière similaire à celle obtenue aujourd'hui par les pigeons et autres oiseaux migrateurs.
Cela pourrait expliquer le fait que des humains peuvent s'aligner sur l'intelligence universelle, et ainsi vivre en harmonie avec le plan de la nature. Par le biais du Kundalini, il deviendrait possible pour certaines personnes de voir dans l'avenir, ce qui pourrait s'avérer une capacité essentielle pour la survie, dans l'ère nucléaire actuelle. Cela pourrait permettre à l'humanité de se détourner des pièges et problématiques qui pourraient nuire à l'espèce humaine.
Transhumanisme, l'idee dangereuse?
Dans une de mes discussions avec le philosophe Michel Filippi, nous parlions de transhumanisme, et du fait que peu de gens acceptent de se poser la question de la refondation de l'humain à part Ray Kurzweil et son projet de transhumanisme. J'ai remarqué que le transhumanisme a recu la critique "une des idees les plus dangereuses".
Les "idées dangereuses" consistent peut-être en des idées rejetées par des scientifiques et décideurs emprisonnés dans une perception séparée, engendrée par l'égoïsme et d'autres comportements non altruistes.
De nombreux mystiques ont néanmoins compris, depuis longtemps (par exemple, Bouddha et Jésus), que se mettre en réseaux, faire appel à l'intelligence collective, conduirait probablement à de meilleures réussites.
Voici une très belle prédiction de Baird T. Spalding, qui peut s'appliquer au phénomène de bouillonnement d'activité accrue dans les médias sociaux (mais qui faisait cependant référence à l'Homme kundalinien): "On ne tardera pas à découvrir que l'unité des mobiles et des efforts constitue le plus puissant moyen d'atteindre le but désiré. Alors les innombrables individus, qui dispersent leurs pensées dans toutes les directions et tirent à hue et à dia, ne penseront plus que comme un seul et les hommes connaîtront la signification d'un effort vigoureux, continue, et commun. Quand ils seront mus par une volonté unique, toutes choses leur seront possibles."
Et encore:
"Quand l'homme s'est dérobé à ce plan de coopération parfaite, il a déséquilibré le monde et a provoqué la destruction. La pensée parfaite d'amour, coopérant dans le coeur des hommes avec l'équilibre et le pouvoir, maintient la stabilité de la terre. Quand les hommes dispersent cette force en pensées de péché et de luxure, le monde fut tellement désorienté que l'humanité détruisit presque tout le fruit de ses travaux."
Par conséquent, les artistes --- qui sont des créateurs, qui ont la plupart du temps recours à l'inspiration (leur provenant d'une force située à l'intérieur d'eux et étant plus grande qu'eux) --- contribuent effectivement à pousser les humains vers de plus hauts sommets. Mais ils n'ont pas la connaissance, pour la plupart d'entre eux, de plus grandes possibilités pour l'humain.
Il est des hommes qui suivent avec persévérance un véritable idéal de vie (le plan de la nature). Ceux-là ont fait de grands progrès. S'il souhaite éviter la déchéance (l'histoire nous démontre des cas de chute d'empires, comme l'empire romain), le monde sera bientôt obligé d'accepter les leçons de ces hommes, dont la vie laisse présager les possibilités latentes de tous les humains.
Les "idées dangereuses" consistent peut-être en des idées rejetées par des scientifiques et décideurs emprisonnés dans une perception séparée, engendrée par l'égoïsme et d'autres comportements non altruistes.
De nombreux mystiques ont néanmoins compris, depuis longtemps (par exemple, Bouddha et Jésus), que se mettre en réseaux, faire appel à l'intelligence collective, conduirait probablement à de meilleures réussites.
Voici une très belle prédiction de Baird T. Spalding, qui peut s'appliquer au phénomène de bouillonnement d'activité accrue dans les médias sociaux (mais qui faisait cependant référence à l'Homme kundalinien): "On ne tardera pas à découvrir que l'unité des mobiles et des efforts constitue le plus puissant moyen d'atteindre le but désiré. Alors les innombrables individus, qui dispersent leurs pensées dans toutes les directions et tirent à hue et à dia, ne penseront plus que comme un seul et les hommes connaîtront la signification d'un effort vigoureux, continue, et commun. Quand ils seront mus par une volonté unique, toutes choses leur seront possibles."
Et encore:
"Quand l'homme s'est dérobé à ce plan de coopération parfaite, il a déséquilibré le monde et a provoqué la destruction. La pensée parfaite d'amour, coopérant dans le coeur des hommes avec l'équilibre et le pouvoir, maintient la stabilité de la terre. Quand les hommes dispersent cette force en pensées de péché et de luxure, le monde fut tellement désorienté que l'humanité détruisit presque tout le fruit de ses travaux."
Par conséquent, les artistes --- qui sont des créateurs, qui ont la plupart du temps recours à l'inspiration (leur provenant d'une force située à l'intérieur d'eux et étant plus grande qu'eux) --- contribuent effectivement à pousser les humains vers de plus hauts sommets. Mais ils n'ont pas la connaissance, pour la plupart d'entre eux, de plus grandes possibilités pour l'humain.
Il est des hommes qui suivent avec persévérance un véritable idéal de vie (le plan de la nature). Ceux-là ont fait de grands progrès. S'il souhaite éviter la déchéance (l'histoire nous démontre des cas de chute d'empires, comme l'empire romain), le monde sera bientôt obligé d'accepter les leçons de ces hommes, dont la vie laisse présager les possibilités latentes de tous les humains.
The women style of being
Lucyanna made a comment about "Powerful women with male characteristics".
These women mastered how to play the game, to act by the rules of men. I don't blame them, they attempt to gain recognition within the existing rules.
But sometimes, we see women put in positions of power, because of specific female abilities. Other times, women make strange declarations that men could never think of.
Christine Lagarde

One example that comes to my mind is Christine Lagarde, when she formalized her candidacy for the general direction of IMF in May 2011. She is currently the 9th most powerful woman in the world, according to Forbes. 'The selection of the head of the IMF or the World Bank should be based on merit, competence and transparently', hammered Pranab Mukherjee. It turned out that among her assets, the fact that she had less testosterone than most people among candidates was a decisive element for her.
So an excess of testosterone is not recommended in high positions of power... (ie sex). Male attributes were disqualified, and for the first time, a woman has been positioned as DG of IMF.
Gunilla Carlsson

My second example is something that caught my attention last year.
Sweden launched on April 4, 2011 a website that allows taxpayers to see what happens to public financing money, in regards to development aid projects. This website aims to fight against corruption.
“You have transparency or not,” said Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation Ministry for Foreign Affairs Gunilla Carlsson at a Bank-IMF Spring Meetings open data event. “It's like being half pregnant. You can't be half pregnant. This is something we have to do.” (ref Open data opens bank)
Gunilla Carlsson used the female experience of motherhood to make an association to the concept of transparency!
Gilda Farrell

My third example is the great woman who is behind the Edgeryders project, Gilda Farrell, Head of the Social Cohesion Research and Early Warning Division, Directorate of Democracy at the Council of Europe. I admire her and I love listening to her talk. There is much wisdom and experience in her words.
When the platform was launched, back in November 2011, blog posts were written to present the Edgeryders team members. I really enjoyed how Gilda Farrell talked about her son. (ref, Meet the team: Gilda)
'Lastly, there is a personal reason for my involvement (at Edgeryders). I am a mother. I have a son who is an engineer and I found myself having to encourage and support him when going through tough selective processes to become employed after graduation. Rather than encouraging him, the first experiences destroyed his self-confidence. Employers were requiring abstract leading and cooperation skills while his technical knowledge was not valued. And now that he’s eventually succeeded, he told me that he would’ve wanted, whilst in university, to be trained in managing human relations and in dealing with hierarchical positions and communication at the workplace. He had to learn all of these through experience.'
Her experience with her son gave her the necessary determination and I am convinced that it helped her persuade the Council of Europe to agree to set up the experimental Edgeryders project.
When women are themselves, when they are true and when they speak with their hearts, it gives rise to opportunities, which differ from the manners laid out by men.
These women mastered how to play the game, to act by the rules of men. I don't blame them, they attempt to gain recognition within the existing rules.
But sometimes, we see women put in positions of power, because of specific female abilities. Other times, women make strange declarations that men could never think of.
Christine Lagarde

One example that comes to my mind is Christine Lagarde, when she formalized her candidacy for the general direction of IMF in May 2011. She is currently the 9th most powerful woman in the world, according to Forbes. 'The selection of the head of the IMF or the World Bank should be based on merit, competence and transparently', hammered Pranab Mukherjee. It turned out that among her assets, the fact that she had less testosterone than most people among candidates was a decisive element for her.
So an excess of testosterone is not recommended in high positions of power... (ie sex). Male attributes were disqualified, and for the first time, a woman has been positioned as DG of IMF.
Gunilla Carlsson

My second example is something that caught my attention last year.
Sweden launched on April 4, 2011 a website that allows taxpayers to see what happens to public financing money, in regards to development aid projects. This website aims to fight against corruption.
“You have transparency or not,” said Swedish Minister for International Development Cooperation Ministry for Foreign Affairs Gunilla Carlsson at a Bank-IMF Spring Meetings open data event. “It's like being half pregnant. You can't be half pregnant. This is something we have to do.” (ref Open data opens bank)
Gunilla Carlsson used the female experience of motherhood to make an association to the concept of transparency!
Gilda Farrell

My third example is the great woman who is behind the Edgeryders project, Gilda Farrell, Head of the Social Cohesion Research and Early Warning Division, Directorate of Democracy at the Council of Europe. I admire her and I love listening to her talk. There is much wisdom and experience in her words.
When the platform was launched, back in November 2011, blog posts were written to present the Edgeryders team members. I really enjoyed how Gilda Farrell talked about her son. (ref, Meet the team: Gilda)
'Lastly, there is a personal reason for my involvement (at Edgeryders). I am a mother. I have a son who is an engineer and I found myself having to encourage and support him when going through tough selective processes to become employed after graduation. Rather than encouraging him, the first experiences destroyed his self-confidence. Employers were requiring abstract leading and cooperation skills while his technical knowledge was not valued. And now that he’s eventually succeeded, he told me that he would’ve wanted, whilst in university, to be trained in managing human relations and in dealing with hierarchical positions and communication at the workplace. He had to learn all of these through experience.'
Her experience with her son gave her the necessary determination and I am convinced that it helped her persuade the Council of Europe to agree to set up the experimental Edgeryders project.
When women are themselves, when they are true and when they speak with their hearts, it gives rise to opportunities, which differ from the manners laid out by men.
Quest for recognition of the authentic self at work
In "Testing the employer", Matthias (Neodynos) talked about the "authentic self" not really being recognized and encouraged at work. He said that some people "try long enough and will find the exceptional employer who accepts, even wants, their authentic self."
I imagine someone talking about this in an interview!
I looked for the English translation of the proverb "Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop." I get "The leopard can't change its spot."
Same thing in love relationships. People do not change. If a girl falls in love with a guy and thinks she can get him to become someone else over some time, it does not work. How is it that employees are not accepted by employers for what they are, as they are? (kidda unconditional love)
It always comes back to dominance.
Freedom should not be only for the few who find the perfect spot for them in the labor market, but for all employees to have sufficient space (not physical space but mind space, creative space) and confidence of their superiors. There, one comes to have to deal with flexibility vs rigidity and control; the top-down approach vs horizontal teams.
On January 16, 2011, at Gov2.0Radio, I listened to the customer service guru, John Tschohl, with his 38 years of experience, talk about 'happiness' at work. He repeated a dozen times that empowerment for business employees "generates quick decisions, saves time, reduces costs and boosts administration sales."
While John Tschohl had no time to go into details in this one hour radio show about how empowerment works, and even more complicated to explain, where does empowerment come from, as it navigates in subtle and complex mechanisms of the mind and of collective consciousness, to make a long story short, he described empowerment as being 'skills and attitude'. Both a behavior that is adopted, and abilities that are acquired with experience. Therefore, one must change behavior and ensure that it becomes a "lifestyle", he said.
I love this description of Baird T. Spalding, of empowerment that leads to radiance of the personality: "The body harmonizes itself, the soul radiates, illuminates the mind, ideas become pervasive, brilliant, vibrant, and accurate. The speech becomes positive, real, and constructive. All things fix themselves and take their true aspect." (true aspect = authentic self)
At work, it would be wonderful if this ideal was understood and that efforts were made to implement this in work environments.
I imagine someone talking about this in an interview!
I looked for the English translation of the proverb "Chassez le naturel, il revient au galop." I get "The leopard can't change its spot."
Same thing in love relationships. People do not change. If a girl falls in love with a guy and thinks she can get him to become someone else over some time, it does not work. How is it that employees are not accepted by employers for what they are, as they are? (kidda unconditional love)
It always comes back to dominance.
Freedom should not be only for the few who find the perfect spot for them in the labor market, but for all employees to have sufficient space (not physical space but mind space, creative space) and confidence of their superiors. There, one comes to have to deal with flexibility vs rigidity and control; the top-down approach vs horizontal teams.
On January 16, 2011, at Gov2.0Radio, I listened to the customer service guru, John Tschohl, with his 38 years of experience, talk about 'happiness' at work. He repeated a dozen times that empowerment for business employees "generates quick decisions, saves time, reduces costs and boosts administration sales."
While John Tschohl had no time to go into details in this one hour radio show about how empowerment works, and even more complicated to explain, where does empowerment come from, as it navigates in subtle and complex mechanisms of the mind and of collective consciousness, to make a long story short, he described empowerment as being 'skills and attitude'. Both a behavior that is adopted, and abilities that are acquired with experience. Therefore, one must change behavior and ensure that it becomes a "lifestyle", he said.
I love this description of Baird T. Spalding, of empowerment that leads to radiance of the personality: "The body harmonizes itself, the soul radiates, illuminates the mind, ideas become pervasive, brilliant, vibrant, and accurate. The speech becomes positive, real, and constructive. All things fix themselves and take their true aspect." (true aspect = authentic self)
At work, it would be wonderful if this ideal was understood and that efforts were made to implement this in work environments.
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